Links & Forms

This page was developed for student leaders as well as advisors. This page provides valuable links and forms necessary for managing your club or organization, including steps to request facilities, processes to access your available club funds, and policies to ensure your student club/org meets ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ requirements. Please feel free to set up a meeting with a Student Life Advisor for more information once you have submitted an initial BaySync Event Request Form.

Student Club/Organization Event Planning Requirements


Planning to host an event on campus? Start by submitting the Event Request Form, found on your student club/organization's BaySync portal.  The BaySync Event Request Form will initiate a request for event approval, as well as serve as your initial venue/facility request. All events hosted by student clubs/organizations must be initiated and approved via this BaySync Form - whether a venue is needed or not, the event is hosted on-campus or off-campus, for your Officers/members only, or open to the entire campus. Start process on BaySync! Once your Event Request Form has been submitted, the event planning process begins and your Student Life Advisor will follow-up to complete the approval process with you.

Club Travel Procedures

Is your club/org planning to travel to a conference, attend a meeting at another campus, participate in a competition at a venue outside of campus, or other similar events? These are all considered as off-campus events that will need to be accompanied by a club/org completing the required travel procedure. Students Clubs/Orgs planning an off-campus event must inform their Student Life Advisor of their plans, and set-up an advising meeting to discuss required travel tasks that must be completed prior the trip.

Club/Org Travel Procedure Tasks List

*Please consult with your Student Life Advisor to determine what step is needed

BaySync Event Form

Roster of all Attendees

  • Name (First/Last Name)
  • Net ID
  • Phone Number
  • Emergency Contact per each (Name, Relationship to Student, Phone Number)
    • NOTE: Please note in the roster, who is:
    • Who is Driving - all driver(s)
    • Who is the Student Lead from your org to be responsible for this conference

Liability Waivers per all Attendees

Transportation Info

  • Transportation Company
  • Personal Transportation (Individual cars)
    • Defensive Driver Training
    • Copy of valid license/insurance
    • Driver’s Waiver – 261 Form
    • DMV Pull Form
  • Flights
  • Usage of taxi or other transportation

Accommodations/Travel Logistics Info

  • Conference Info (Registration Cost, Agenda, Start/End Time)
  • Hotel
  • Food
  • Authorization to Travel Form – Includes Cost Budget

Review of Risk Management/Travel Policy (Required Meeting with your Student Life Advisor)

Trip Financing Process

Reimbursement Claim Process

Funds Management (Personal, Club/Org AS Account, Fundraisers, etc.)

ASI Finance Options