Faculty Learning Program

Transforming STEM Teaching

This program brings together STEM faculty from ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ to learn, support each other in integrating active learning strategies in their courses, and build relationships and understanding of one another’s teaching and learning contexts over a calendar year.

Program Goal: Improve undergraduate student outcomes in STEM.

In this program you will:

  • develop your STEM education expertise
  • gain experience in active learning strategies to develop your instructional practice and support student learning
  • redesign your STEM lectures to apply what you learn and integrate new approaches to teaching

Active learning strategies support institutional goals of increasing retention and graduation and decreasing achievement gaps for underrepresented minorities. Space is limited to 12 ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Faculty.

Program dates:

  • 2 day in person kick-off workshop in January
  • Part 1: January - May: Seven 1.5 hr. synchronous online sessions and homework in preparation for sessions (Dates and times agreed upon by the group.)
  • No summer work
  • 1 day “re-group” workshop in August
  • Part 2:  August - December (implement redesigned course)

Benefits: Participating faculty will receive compensation in the form of a stipend, community support, and certificates to include with their retention, tenure, and promotion documentation.

Join a community of your ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science faculty!

Get support in trying something new in your class!

Learn more about the science of learning so you can teach your subject more effectively!

Program Facilitators

  • Danika LeDuc, Associate Dean and Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, College of Science, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ
  • Julia Olkin, Professor of Mathematics, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ
Please direct questions or interest in participating to Danika LeDuc, danika.leduc@csueastbay.edu, or Julia Olkin, Julia.olkin@csueastbay.edu.