Five-year Program Reviews

PLEASE NOTE: updates pending

Five-year Program Reviews Archive

Annual Reports and Rubrics

Five-year Program Reviews by Department


Five-year Reviews

CAPR Executive Summary

Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) Documents

Accounting MS


Anthropology: B.A., M.A.
Environmental Studies: B.A. 
Geography: B.A., B.S., M.A.

Art and Multimedia: B.A., B.F.A.

Biological Sciences: B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., Marine Sciences M.S.

Business Administration: B.S., M.S., M.B.A., B.S. Online
Outside Accredited 1999-00

Chemistry/Biochemistry: B.A., B.S., M.S.
Communication: B.A., M.A
(rescheduled due date for 5-year review: 14-15)
Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Speech Pathology and Audiology: B.S., M.S. 
8-year accreditation cycle
Computer Science, Computer Networks: B.S., M.S.  

Counseling M.S. (three options): Clinical Child/School Psychology, School Counseling, MFT

Criminal Justice Administration: B.S. 
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Geology: B.A., B.S., M.S.   

Economics: B.A., M.A. 
Outside Accredited 2006-07

Education M.S.
Options (5): Reading Instruction, Educational Technology, Early Childhood Education, Curriculum, Online Teaching and Learning, Multiple/Single Subject Credentials 

Educational Leadership: M.S. 

Educational Leadership: Ed. D.

Education, Special: M.S.
Options (2): Mild-Moderate, Moderate-Severe

Computer Engineering: B.S.
Industrial Engineering: B.S.  
Engineering Management: M.S. 

Construction Management: B.S.,  M.S. 
English: B.A., M.A.
Ethnic Studies: B.A. 

General Education

Health Care Administration: M.S. 
History: B.A., M.A.

Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism
Hospitality and Tourism, B.S.
Recreation, B.S.
Recreation and Tourism, M.S. 

Human Development and Women's Studies: B.A., Online

Information Literacy

Interdisciplinary Studies: B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S.  
International Studies: B.A.
Kinesiology: B.S., M.S. 
Liberal Studies: B.A. 
Mathematics: B.S., M.S. 
Modern Languages and Literatures
French and Spanish: B.A. 
(rescheduled due date for 5-year review: 14-15)
Music: B.A., M.A.

Nursing: B.S. 
Philosophy: B.A. 

Physics: B.A., B.S. 

Political Science: B.A.

Psychology: B.A., B.S. 
Public Administration 

Public Health (formerly Health Sciences): B.S. 
Social Work: M.S.W. 
Sociology and Social Services: B.A., M.A. 
Statistics, Biostatistics: B.S., M.S.

Theatre Arts: B.A.

Five-year Reviews Archive