Policy Guidelines for Requesting New Course Prefixes

Course Prefixes Permitted to Change

You may submit a request if the course prefix refers to the name of the degree.

For Example

  • "POSC" for courses in the B.A. Political Science
  • "ENGL" for courses in the B.A. English
  • "MATH" for courses in the B.S. Mathematics

You may submit a request if the course prefix refers to the name of the department.

For Example:

  • "EPSY" for the M.A. Counseling which is located in the Department of Educational Psychology
  • "MLL" for the B.A. Spanish or B.A. French in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

You may submit a request if the course prefix refers to the name of the academic unit/area of study which has a critical mass of courses not leading to a degree in that subject area

For Example,

  • "SCI" for college-wide courses in Science
  • "GS" for university-wide courses in General Studies
You may submit a request if the course prefix refers to an innovative new interdisciplinary area of study with a critical mass of courses available in the curriculum to warrant a new prefix, as determined by CIC.

Process for Approval of New Course Prefix Request

The Department Chair originates proposal by:

  1. Log into  
  2. Select the New Proposal Link new-proposal
  3. Select the "Courses" tab
  4. Select "Course - Prefix -New"
  5. Select the "Start Proposal" icon checkmark to begin your proposal


Proposal then moves through the approval process as follows:
  1. Department Chair
  2. Consultation (Newly approved curriculum reviewed by all Department Chairs and Associate Deans. Colleges/Departments have five working days to review proposals and submit any comments within Curriculog.) If no consultation is requested, proposal proceeds to the next step.
  3. Dean and/or Associate Dean Office Review
  4. College Curriculum Committee
  5. Dean's Office Approval
  6. Academic Programs and Services (Technical Review and Director, Associate Dean or Dean approval depending on proposal)
  7. Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC); sent to Committee on Academic Planning and Review (CAPR) as information only (if CIC approves request)
  8. Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ExCom)
  9. Academic Senate
  10. University President
  11. University Curriculum Coordinator facilitates the completion of the proposal and addition into the catalog

Requests for new course prefixes do not need to go to CAPR but CAPR should be informed of any request that is approved by CIC before it is sent to ExCom and the Senate.


Semester Catalog Curriculum Deadlines

Academic Programs and Services deadlines are outlined in the . However, college deadlines are set earlier, so please check with your College Curriculum Coordinator for college-specific curriculum submission deadlines.