Faculty Publications

Department of Educational Leadership

, Professor, Department of Educational Leadership
  • Arriaza, G., Jones, A. Mendosa-Reis, N. (2016). Educational Leadership and Administration. Teaching and Program Development. (2016)27.
  • Arriaza, G. Miller, C. (2016). Growing social capital in the classroom. Issues in Teacher Education, 25(1) 59-71.
  • Arriaza, G. (2015) Disrupting prejudice in education institutions. In Theory to practice: fostering diverse and inclusive campus practices. Aiken, J., Johnson F. L., Heading-Grant, W., Miller, W. (Editor)s. NCAPEA Publishing.
  • Arriaza, G. (2015). Significance of restorative justice in schools. Qurriculum Journal. University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. 28 pp 164-177.
  • Arriaza, G. (2015). El lenguaje como factor del cambio social. In Educacion y salud en una sociedad globalizada Zapata Boluda, R. M.; Soriano Ayala, E.; Gonzalez Jimenez, A. J.; Marquez Hernandez, V.V.; L pez Rodriguez, M. (eds.) Editorial Universidad de Almer a. 59-68.
  • Arriaza, G. (2015). Critical discourse analysis and leadership. Journal of Educational Leadership and Administration (2015) 26. 1-3.
  • Mendoza-Reis, N.; Arriaza, G.; Jones, A. (2015). Educational Leadership and Administration (2015) 26. http://www.ncpeapublications.org/attachments/article/20/CAPEA,%20Volume%2026,%20March%202015.pdf
  • Jones, A.; Mendoza-Reis, N.; Arriaza, G. (2014). Educational Leadership and Administration (2014) 25.http://www.ncpeapublications.org/attachments/article/20/CAPEA,%20Volume%2026,%20March%202015.pdf
  • Garcia-Serran, H. Soriano-Ayala, E. (2014). Friends with benefits and psychological wellbeing. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 132 ( 2014 ) 241 247 .
  • Arriaza, G. (2014). Time to repeal zero tolerance. Blog of the Social Justice Journal http://www.socialjusticejournal.org/?p=2822
, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership
  • Reflective Practice on Leadership Committed to Social Justice: Counter Story of an African American Superintendent (2015) The Journal of Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development.
  • Dissertation Journeys of Scholar-Practitioners in an Educational Leadership for Social Justice Program for Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education 2015-2016.
, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership Peer Reviewed:
  • Hayes, K.N. Lee, C. S., DiStefano, R., O'Connor, D., Seitz, J. (2016). Measuring science instructional practice: A survey tool for the age of NGSS. Journal of Science Teacher Education.
  • Lee, C. S., Hayes, K. N., DiStefano, R., Seitz, J. C., O'Connor, D. (In press). Engagement as a Mediating Factor Between Student Motivation and Science Achievement in Middle School. International Journal of Science Education.
  • Hayes, K.N., (2016). Neoliberalism in historical light: How business models displaced science education goals in two eras. Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development Journal, 27, 1-18.
  • Hayes, K.N., Trexler, C.J. (2016). Testing Predictors of Instructional Practice in Elementary Science Education: The Significant Role of Accountability. Science Education, 100(2), 266-289.
  • Yamashita, L.; Hayes, K.N., Trexler, C.J. (2016). How pre-service teachers navigate the trade-offs of food systems across time scales: A lens for exploring understanding of sustainability. Environmental Education Researcher.
Book Chapters, Reports, Policy Briefs, and Non-peer Reviewed Articles:
  • Tucker, D., Andrews, B., Hayes, K. N. (2016). Students apply NGSS science practices in environmental stewardship. California Classroom Science, 28(5).
  • Hayes, K.N. (2015). Elementary Science Education: Fixing a Leaky Pipeline. Policy Brief.
, Professor, Department of Educational Leadership
  • Lopez, J.A., Magdaleno, K.R. & Reis-Mendoza, N. (2006 Fall). Developing Leadership for Equity: What is the Role of Leadership Preparation Programs?. Educational Leadership and Administration: Program Development and Teaching Journal.
  • Lopez, J. A., & Flessa, J. J. (2000). The question is not can administrator preparation grograms become more effective but how?. Department of Educational Leadership and Administration Program Development and Teaching Journal. (12, Fall,99-109).
  • Lopez, J. A. (2000). The teacher in a critical leadership role. In Ramirez ,L., & Ballardo, O. (Eds.). Transformative approaches to ulticultural education. Allyn and Bacon.
, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership
  • Gorlewski, J. & Porfilio, B.J. (Eds.). (2013). Left Behind in Race to the Top. Information Age Press.
  • Gorlewski, J., Porfilio, B.J., Gorewski, D. and Hopkins, J. (Eds.). (2014). Effective or Wise: Teaching and Assessing Professional Dispositions in Education. New York. Peter Lang.
  • Thomas, P.L., Porfilio, B.J., Gorlewski, J., Carr, P.R. (Eds.). (2014). Social context of reform: A pedagogy of equity and opportunity. New York: Routledge.
  • Porfilio, B.J., Roychoudhury, D. Gardner, L. (Eds.). (2014). See You at the Crossroads: Hip Hop Scholarship at the Intersections Dialectical Harmony, Ethics, Aesthetics, and Panoply of Voices. Boston: Sense Publishers.
  • Porfilio, B.J. & Gorlewski, J. (2015). (In Process). “Geronimo” and Hip-Hop: Linking Democracy and Native-American Youth Culture in and through Education. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Hartlep, N. & Porfilio, B.J. (Eds.). (2015) (In Process). Killing the model minority stereotype: Asian American counter-stories and complicity. Information Age Press.
  • Porfilio, B.J. & Ford, D.R. (Eds.). (2015) (In Process). Leaders in critical pedagogy. Boston Sense Publishers.
  • Osborne, J. & Porfilio, B.J. (2015) (In Process). In an Age of Corporate Domination: Education Foundation Scholars’ Narratives for Understanding, Resistance, and Transformation. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Reynolds, W. & Porfilio, B.J. (2015) (In Process). 21st Century Critical Pedagogical Praxis. New York: Springer.
  • Hartlep, N.D., & Porfilio, B.J. (In press) (2014). Revitalizing the Field of Educational Foundations and PK-20 Educators’ Commitment to Social Justice and Issues of Equity in an Age of Neoliberalism. The Journal of Educational Studies.
  • Gorlewski, J., Gorlewski, D. & Porfilio, B.J. (2014). Beyond Bullies and Victims: Using Case Story Analysis and Freirean Insight to Address Academic Mobbing. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor.
  • Gorlewski, J. & Porfilio, B.J. (2014). Reimagining solidarity: Hip hop as revolutionary pedagogy. Cultural Logic.
  • Malott, C. & Porfilio, B.J. (2014). (Republished). Punk rock, hip-hop, and the politics of human resistance: Reconstituting the social studies through critical media literacy. Shirley S. Steinberg and Awad Ibrahim (Eds.). Critical Youth Studies: A reader. (Eds). New York: Peter Lang.
  • Gorlewski, J., Porfilio, B.J., Gorewski, D. and Hopkins, J. (Eds.). (2014). Introduction. Effective or Wise: Teaching and Assessing Professional Dispositions in Education. New York. Peter Lang.
  • Thomas, P.L., Porfilio, B.J., Gorlewski, J., Carr, P.R. (Eds.). (2014). Introduction. Social context of reform: A pedagogy of equity and opportunity. New York: Routledge
  • Porfilio, B.J., Roychoudhury, D. Gardner, L. (Eds.). (2014). Introduction. See You at the Crossroads: Hip Hop Scholarship at the Intersections Dialectical Harmony, Ethics, Aesthetics, and Panoply of Voices. Boston: Sense Publishers.
  • Porfilio, B., Roychoudhury, D. & Gardner, L. (2014). The War on Dignity: Youth Read Schools the Riot Act through Hip Hop. In J. Hall (Eds.). Underprivileged Students and the Assault on Dignity: Policy Challenges and Resistance. New York: Routledge.
, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership
  • Plough, B. (2014). School Board Governance and Student Achievement: School Board Members' Perceptions of Their Behaviors and Beliefs. Journal of Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development. January/February 2014.
  • Garcia, R. & Plough, B. (Under Review) Sustained whole school English learner reform: A heuristic approach to professional learning in middle schools. Journal of Education for Students Placed At-Risk.
  • Plough, B. (2011). School board governance and student achievement: School board members’ perceptions of their behaviors and beliefs (Doctoral dissertation). San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Strom, K., Martin, A., & Villegas, A.M. (Accepted). Clinging to the edge of chaos: The emergence of novice teacher practice. Teachers College Record.
  • Strom, K., Plough, B., & Porfilio, B. (2016). Preparing educational leaders for social justice in a blended educational doctorate program: An initial action research inquiry. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2016). Pursuing lines of flight: Enacting equity-based instruction in the first year of teaching. Policy Futures in Education, 14(2), 252-273.
  • Taylor, M., Klein, E.J., Onore, C., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (2016). Exploring Inquiry in the third space: Case studies of the first year in an urban teacher residency program. The New Educator, 12(3), 243-268.
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (2016). Toward a linguistically responsive teacher identity: An empirical review of the literature. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 10(4), 239-253. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2016.1189799
  • Strom, K. (2015). Teaching as assemblage: Negotiating practice in the first year of teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 66(4), 321-333. doi:10.1177/0022487115589990
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (2015). Neoliberalism and the teaching of English learners: Decentering the teacher and student subject. SoJo Journal, 1(1), 23-43.
  • Klein, E.J., Taylor, M., & Onore, C., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (2013). Finding a third space in teacher education: Creating an urban teacher residency with Montclair State University and the Newark public schools. Teaching Education, 24(1), 27-57. Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2013). Putting philosophy to work in the classroom. Studying Teacher Education, 9(3), 219-235.
  • Villegas, A.M., Strom, K., & Lucas, T. (2012). Closing the racial/ethnic gap between students of color and their teachers: An elusive goal. Equity and Excellence in Education, 45(2), 283-301.
  • Klein, E.J., Taylor, M., & Onore, C., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (2013). Finding a third space in teacher education: Creating an urban teacher residency with Montclair State University and the Newark public schools. Teaching Education, 24(1), 27-57.
  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2013). Putting philosophy to work in the classroom. Studying Teacher Education, 9(3), 219-235.
  • Strom, K. (2015). Teaching as assemblage: Negotiating practice in the first year of teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 66(4), 321-333. doi:10.1177/0022487115589990
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (2015). Neoliberalism and the teaching of English learners: Decentering the teacher and student subject. SoJo Journal, 1(1), 23-43.
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2016). Pursuing lines of flight: Enacting equity-based instruction in the first year of teaching. Policy Futures in Education, 14(2), 252-273.
  • Taylor, M., Klein, E.J., Onore, C., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (In press). Exploring Inquiry in the third space: Case studies of the first year in an urban teacher residency program. The New Educator.
  • Strom, K. & Pires, M. (Accepted with Revisions). Rhizomatics as a methodology of hope and transformation.
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (Under Review, International Journal of Multicultural Education). Toward a linguistically responsive teacher identity: An empirical review of the literature.
  • Strom, K., Martin, A., & Villegas, A.M. (Under Review, Teaching and Teacher Education). Clinging to the edge of chaos: The emergence of novice teacher practice.


  • Strom, K. (Forthcoming). Becoming-Teacher: Negotiating Learning and Practice in the first year of teaching. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Book Chapters

  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (forthcoming). Coping as a line of flight in a linguistically diverse kindergarten classroom. In P. Miller & T. Rishel (Eds.), Stress and coping of English learners in the 21st century. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Strom, K. (2016). Teaching assemblages: Negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching. In W. Reynolds and J. Webber (Eds), Expanding curriculum theory: Dis/positions and lines of flight. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum.
  • Strom, K., Abrams, L., Dacey, C., & Mills, T. (2016). “I, Teacher Educator”: Grappling with ethical responsibility, hybrid pedagogies, and neoliberal agendas in mangled educational spaces. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 53-59). Herstmonceux, UK: S-STEP.
  • Ovens, A., Strom, K., & Garbett, D. (2016). A rhizomatic reading of becoming teacher educator. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 181-187). Herstmonceux, UK: S-STEP.
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (2016). Thinking with Rhizomatics in self-study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study. Springer.
  • Dacey, C., Strom, K., Abrams, L., & Mills, T. (2016). Toward the future of self study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study. Springer.
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2015). Deterritorializing Neoliberal thought and practice in the classroom. In M. Abendroth & B. Profilio (Eds), School against the Neoliberal rule: Educational fronts for social justice (pp. 171-186). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
  • Strom, K & Lesperance, R. (2015). Inquiry and induction in the third space. In M. Taylor & E.J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing. Taylor, M., Diaz, A.,
  • Taylor, J., Strom, K., & Perry-Ryder, G. (2015). Teaching for Social Justice with Inquiry Cycles. In M. Taylor & E.J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
  • Strom, K., Abi-Hanna, R., Dacey, C., & Duplaise, J. (2014). Exploring and connecting lines of flight. In M. Taylor & L. Coia (eds.), Gender, feminism, and queer theory in the self-study of teacher education practices (pp. 31-44). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2015). Deterritorializing Neoliberal thought and practice in the classroom. In M. Abendroth & B. Profilio (Eds), School against the Neoliberal rule: Educational fronts for social justice (pp. 171-186). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
  • Strom, K & Lesperance, R. (2015). Inquiry and induction in the third space. In M. Taylor & E.J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
  • Taylor, M., Diaz, A., Taylor, J., Strom, K., & Perry-Ryder, G. (2015). Teaching for Social Justice with Inquiry Cycles. In M. Taylor & E.J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
  • Strom, K. (In press). Teaching assemblages: Negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching. In W. Reynolds and J. Webber(Eds), Expanding curriculum theory: Dis/positions and lines of flight. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum.
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (in press). Thinking with Rhizomatics in self-study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study. Springer.
  • Dacey, C., Strom, K., Abrams, L., & Mills, T. (in press). Toward the future of self study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study. Springer.
, Chair, Professor, Department of Educational Leadership
  • Winkelman, P. & Engdahl, E., (in press) Preservice teachers: Advocating for the Arts to Preservice Administrators. In M. McKenna (Ed.), Communities of Practice in Arts Education, Washington, DC: Arts Education Partnership, Teacher College Press
  • Winkelman, P., Dell’ Olio, F., Jones, A., Jindra, S., Jungwirth, L., Lindsey, D.B., Lindsey, R. B., Mirci, P., L Purrington, L., Moore-Steward, T., Thomas, C., Ward, C., & Wise, D., CAPEA: Promoting Equity and Excellence in Educational Leadership Preparation Educational Leadership and Administration, 2014
  • Winkelman, P. Collaborative Inquiry for Equity: Discipline and Discomfort Planning and Changing: An Educational Leadership and Policy Journal, 2013
  • Collay, M., Winkelman, P., Fennel-Smith, K., Evaluating the Influence of Critical Social Theory in a Scholar-Practitioner Doctoral Program, Educational Leadership Review, 2013
  • Collay, M., & Winkelman P., Focusing scholar-practitioner research on social justice and equity. Scholar –Practitioner Quarterly, Volume 6, Number 3, 2012
  • Winkelman, P., & Collay, M. A Tale of Two Scholar-practitioners Leading for Social Justice. Global leadership for social justice: Taking it from the field to practice, Emerald publishing, 2012
  • Winkelman, P., Allison, B., Collay, M., Gentilucci, J., Jindra, S. & Wilson, D., The After-School Program Handbook for School Site Leaders The ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation,
  • Greenwood, S. & Winkelman, P., Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Role of the Administrator Published Proceedings, National Council of Professors of Educational Administration 65th Annual Summer Conference: Blazing New Trails: Preparing Leaders to Improve Access & Equity in Today’s Schools
  • Aprill, A., Kessler, R., McAlinden, U., Ostholthoff, A. & Winkelman, P. What School Leaders Can Do To Increase Arts Education Arts Education Partnership The President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, Reinventing in Arts Education: Winning America’s Future Through Creative Schools, Washington, D.C.
  • Winkelman, P., & Storms, B. Vision Walking. Published Proceedings, National Council of Professors of Educational Administration Summit 2010: Promoting “Capitol” Ideas of Leadership, Culture, and Diversity Research on Educational Leadership, 2010
  • Collay, M., Winkelman, P., Garcia, R. & Guilkey-Amado, J. Transformational leadership pedagogy: Implementing equity plans in urban schools. Educational Leadership and Administration, 2009

Department of Educational Psychology

, Chair, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Christo, C. & Davis, J. M. (2009). Rapid naming and phonological processing as predictors of reading and spelling. The California School Psychologist. (13: 7-19.)
  • Davis, J. M., Christo, C., & Husted, D. (2009). Reading fluency and experimental research on reading fluency interventions interventions: The relationship to accommodations. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal. (In press).
  • Christo, C., Davis, J. M., & Brock, S. (2009). Book. Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Dyslexia at School. (In press). Springer Publishing.
  • Davis, JM and Broitman, J (2007). Subtypes of Nonverbal Learning Disorders. The Educational Therapist. The Journal of the Association of Educational Therapists.
  • Davis, J.M. & Broitman, J. (2006). A Brief Historical Overview of Nonverbal Learning Disorders. The Educational Therapist. (Volume 27 (3), 5-9.) Association of Educational Therapy.
  • Davis, J.M. (2005). Crisis management research summaries: Parents' reactions to talking to their terminally ill children about death. Communique. (38). NASP.
  • Davis, J.M. (2004). "Answers from the experts" column. PEN News, newsletter for the Parents Education Network. (8).
  • Fine, J.G. & Davis, J.M. (2003). Grade retention and enrollment in psot-secondary education. Journal of School Psychology. (401-411).
  • Lieberman, R. & Davis, J. M.. (2002). Suicide intervention.In Brock, S. E., Lazaruz, P. J., & Jimerson, S. R. (Eds.). Best practices in school crisis prevention and intervention. (531-551). National Association of School Psychologists Publication.
  • Davis, J. M. & Brock, S. E. (2002). Suicide. In Sandoval J.(Ed). Handbook for crisis counseling, intervention, and prevention in the schools. (Second Edition 273-299). Lawrence Erbaum Associates.
, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Halvorsen, A.T. & Neary, T. (2015). Curricular modification, positive behavior support and change. Invited chapter in F. Brown, J.L. Anderson & R. Duprey (Eds.) Positive Behavior Supports: A Comprehensive Standards-Based Guide to Practices in School and Community Settings. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
  • Halvorsen,A.T. (November, 2013). Interview with Ed Source for Freedburg, L.& Rice, S. (October, 2014). Preparing World-Class Teachers: Essential Reforms of Teacher Preparation and Credentialing in California. Oakland, CA: Ed Source.
  • Halvorsen, A.T. & Neary,T. (2009). Building inclusive schools: Tools and strategies for success (2nd ed.) Boston: Pearson- Allyn & Bacon Publishers.
  • Halvorsen, A.T. (2009). LRE Resources Guide: Web-based Tools for Schools. Sacramento, CA: WestEd: LRE Resources Project.
  • Meinders, D., Halvorsen, A.T., Copeland,L., DeRuvo, S. (June, 2006). LRE Consultants Training Manual. Sacramento, CA: Wested, CA LRE Resources Project.
  • Halvorsen, A.T. & Meinders, D. (2005). School Site Team Collaboration for Inclusive Education: Trainer of Trainers Manual. Sacramento,, CA: WestEd, LRE Resources Project and Hayward, CA: CSU East Bay, CLEAR Project.
  • Giangreco, M.F., Halvorsen, A.T., Doyle, M.B., & Broer, S. (2004). Alternatives to over-reliance on paraprofessionals in inclusive schools, Journal of Special Education Leadership. 17(2).
  • Halvorsen, A.T. (2004). Inclusive schools: To deliver on the promise, we must deliver site-based services- A Statewide study. Hayward, CA: CSU East Bay: CLEAR Project.
  • Halvorsen, A.T., Tweit-Hull, D., Meinders, D., Falvey, M., & Anderson, J. (2004) Starter Kit for Inclusive Education. Sacramento, CA: WestEd: LRE Resources Project; and San Diego, CA: SDSU and Hayward, CA: CSU,Hayward: Project CLEAR and the California Confederation on Inclusive Education Project.
, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Jennings, G. (2000). Mental wellness: A lesson from young children's competent responses to stress. The Journal of NAMI.
  • Jennings, G. (2000). Effective approaches to multicultural education: A culturally-responsive approach. Allyn & Bacon.
, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Lewis, R. E., & Winkelman, P. (2017). Lifescaping practices in school communities: Implementing action research and appreciative inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Lewis, R. E. (2014). Resilience in individuals, families, and communities. In D. Capuzzi and D. R. Gross (Eds.), Youth at risk (6th ed.) (pp. 43-65). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
  • Lewis, R. E. (2014). What is the color of your heart? Personalizing humanism. In R. Borunda (Ed.). What is the color of your heart? A humanist approach to diversity (2nd ed.). (pp. 167-185). Dubuque, OA: Kendall/Hunt.
, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Logan, J.P. (2006, May). Diagnostic and statistical handbook for children and adolescents. Counseling Today. (Book review). Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press.
  • Logan, J.P. (2002, June). Record keeping and ethics: A vital connection. Association for Play Therapy Newsletter. Fresno, CA: Association for Play Therapy.
  • Logan, J.P., Boughner, S.R., Christensen, O.J., & Coll, K.M. (2001). Guided imagery combined with music: Encouraging self-actualizing attitudes and behaviors in at-risk community college students. Journal of College Psychotherapy,. (15, 51-64.)
  • Main, F.O., Boughner, S.R., Mims, G.A., & Logan, J.P. (2001). Rolling the dice: Training counselors to use circular and reflexive questions. The family journal: Counseling and therapy for couples and families. (7, 302-310.)
  • Logan, J.P. (2001). The child's creation: Guided imagery combined with music tapes. In C. Schaefer & H. Knudsen (Eds.). 101 More Play Therapy Techniques. In C. Schaefer & H. Knudsen (Eds.),. (pp.445-450). Jason Aronson.
  • Logan, J.P., & Schieffer, D.J. (2000). Problem-solving skills: Solution-focused strategies for student development. Journal of School Improvement. (1, 14-19.)
  • Boughner, S.R., & Logan, J.P. (1999). Robert H. Woody: Legal issues in couple and family counseling. The family journal: Counseling and therapy for couples and families. (7, 302-310.)
  • Logan, J. P. (1998). Using humorous and serious awards to celebrate colleagues� and students� endeavors. Journal of College Reading and Learning. (20, 87-92).
, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Lenski, S. J., Ganske, K., Chambers, S., Wold, L, Dobler, E., Grisham, D.L., Scales, R.Q., Smetana, L., Wolsey, T.D., Yoder, K. K., & Young, J. (2013). Literacy course priorities and Signature Aspects of nine teacher preparation programs. Journal of Literacy Research and Instruction, 52. 1, 11-27. doi: 10.1080/19388071.2012.738778
  • Smetana, L. (2012). Revitalizing Tier 2 intervention with graphic novels. Reading Horizons: Horizons: Vol. 51: Iss. 3, Article 3.
  • Smetana, L. & Grisham, D.L. (2012) Generative technology for teachers and teacher educators. Journal of Reading Education, 36, 3, 12-18. (JRE Article of the Year)
  • Wilson, N. & Smetana, L. (2011);Questioning as Thinking: A metacognitive framework to improve comprehension of expository text. Literacy, 45, 2, 84-90.

Chapters in Books (reviewed)

  • Grisham, D. L. & Smetana, L. (2013). Multimodal Composition for teacher candidates: Models for K-12 classroom writing instruction. In R. Ferdig & K. Pytash (Eds.), Exploring multimodal composition and digital writing. Hershey, PA: I-G-I Global.

Articles in referred journals

  • Grisham, D. L., Yoder, K. K., Smetana, L., Dobler, E., Young, J., Wolsey, T. D., Chambers, S., Scales, R., Wold, L., & Ganske, K. (in press). Teacher candidates’ expressed literacy learning in ten teacher preparation programs: Phase I of a longitudinal study. Teacher Education and Practice.
  • Wolsey, T. D., Young, J., Scales, R., Scales, W. D., Lenski, S., Yoder, K. K., Wold, L., Smetana, L., Grisham, D.L., Ganske, K., Dobler, E., & Chambers, S. (in press). An examination of teacher education in literacy instruction and candidate perceptions of their learned literacy practices. Action in Teacher Education.
  • Lenski, S., Ganske, K., Chambers, S., Wold, L., Dobler, E., Grisham, D. L., Scales. R., Smetana, L., Wolsey, T. D., Yoder, K., & Young, J. (2013). Literacy course priorities and signature aspects of nine elementary initial licensure programs. Journal of Literacy Research and Instruction, 52(1), 1-27. doi: 10.1080/19388071.2012.738778
  • Smetana, L. & Grisham, D.L. (2012) Generative technology for teachers and teacher educators. Journal of Reading Education, 36, 3, 12-18. (JRE Resarch Article of the Year)
, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Soo-Hoo, Terry. (2017). Asian Americans in Couples Therapy. Encyclopedia of Couples and Family Therapy. Edited by Lebow, J, Chambers, A, & Breunlin, D. Springer Publishing.
  • Soo-Hoo, Terry. (2017). Working within the client’s cultural context in single-session therapy. In One at a Time: Single-Session Therapy by Walk-in or Appointment. Ed. Michael Hoyt. Zeig Tucker, & Theisen, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Soo-Hoo, Terry. (2013). In Search of the Spirit: A Therapist’s Journey, Chapter in Book titled: Therapist Stories of Inspiration, Passion, and Renewal, Edited by: Michael Hoyt, Routledge Mental Health, N.Y.
, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Tran, O. K., Gueldner, B. A., & Smith, D. (2014). Building resiliency in schools. In R. Gilman, E. S. Huebner, & M. Furlong, Eds. Handbook on Positive Psychology in Schools. New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Castro-Olivo, S., Tran, O. K., Begum, G., Arellano, E., Garcia, N., & Tung, C., (2013). A comprehensive model for promoting resiliency and preventing violence in schools. Contemporary School Psychology, 17(1), 23-34.
  • Tran, O. K., Pham, A., & Davis, J. (2013). Suicide. In J. Sandoval (Ed.), Handbook of Crisis Counseling, Intervention, and Prevention in Schools (3rdEd.), Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Tran, O. K., & Merrell, K. W (2010). Promoting student resilience: Social and emotional learning as a universal prevention approach. In B. J. Doll (Ed.), Handbook of Youth Prevention Science. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Department of Teacher Education

, Professor, Department of Teacher Education
  • Davenport , J. and Engdahl, E. (2007-10-26). Constructivism and the Arts. Assn. of Constructivist Teaching.
  • Davenport, J. (2007-2-24). Integrating Music into Elementary School Curriculum. AACTE conference publication.
, Professor, Department of Teacher Education
  • Duren, Phil E (1997). An Integrated Approach Technology Laboratory Manual for Use With Cabri. Addison Wesley Secondary Math Focus on Geometry. Addison Wesley.
  • Duren, Phil E (1990). Investigative Activities Using Master Grapher. Overview of Master Grapher. (118 Pgs.) Addison-Wesley Publishing.
, Chair, Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education
  • Engdahl, E & Winkelman, P. (2017) Preservice teachers: Advocating for the arts to preservice administrators. In M. McKenna (Ed.), Preparing educators for arts integration; Placing creativity at the center of learning, New York: Teacher’s College Press.
  • Engdahl, E. (2014) Alternate Reality Gaming: Teaching Visual Arts Skills to Multiple Subject Credential Candidates, Art Education Journal.
, Professor, Department of Teacher Education
  • Fleming, D., Unrau, N. Davis, J., Cooks, J., Farnan, N., and Grisham, D (2007). A California State Initiative to Improve Adolescent Reading in All Content Areas. Teacher Education Quarterly. Caddo Gap Press.
  • Fleming, D., Farnan, N., Unrau, N. and Harris, C. (2006). Enhancing Secondary English Methods Courses. Principles and Resources for Literacy Infusion, CSU Office of the Chancellor, Center for the Advancement of Reading. Long Beach, CA.
  • Fleming, D., Cooper, T., and Forrest, D. (2006). Enhancing Secondary Social Science Methods Courses. Principles and Resources for Literacy Infusion, CSU Office of the Chancellor, Center for the Advancement of Reading. (Long Beach, CA).
  • Fleming, D. (2004). 'Teaching Wisely'. Alameda Reader, Alameda Country Reading Association Newsletter.
  • Fleming, D. (2004). 'Of Policy and Practice'. Alameda Reader, Alameda Country Reading Association.
  • Brynelson, N., Farnan, N., Fleming, D., Grady, K, Gunston-Parks, C., Hollingsworth, S., Muller, N, Unrau, N, and Vogt, M. (2004). Principles and Resources: Enhancing CSU Single Subject Reading Courses. Book. ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, Office of the Chancellor.
  • Fleming, D. (2000). The Second Migration. A Qualitative Study of Immigrant Students Negotiating an ESL Class at a Traditional Secondary School (doctoral dissertation).
, Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education
  • Korb, Michele, LeDuc, Danika, Inouye, Caron, Jensen, Megan & Seitz, Jeff (2015) “Policy in Support of Pedagogy: Collaboration Among Scientists, Science Educators, and Engineers in Preparing Qualifed K-8 STEM Teachers.” Journal of Transformative Leadership and Policy Studies. June 5: (1). 51-60.
  • Korb, Michele, Shannon Colton, and Gina Vogt. "Using Storyboarding to Model Gene Expression." The American Biology Teacher 77.6 (2015): 452-457.
, Professor, Department of Teacher Education


  • Lubliner, S. & Grisham, D. (2012). Cognate Strategy Instruction: Providing Powerful Literacy Tools to Spanish-Speaking Students. Learning from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-12 Classrooms: Promoting Success for All Students. Teachers College Press.
  • May, 2008 Lubliner, S. & Scott, J. Nourishing Vocabulary: A Well-balanced Diet for Word Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press
  • Jan. 2005 Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension Baltimore, MA: Brookes Publishing Company
  • May, 2001 A Practical Guide to Reciprocal Teaching. DeSoto, TX: Wright Group/ McGraw-Hill


  • In Press Lubliner, S. & Grisham, D. Cognate Strategy Instruction: Providing Powerful Literacy Tools to Spanish-Speaking Students. In J. Fingon & S. Ulanoff (Eds.) Learning from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-12 Classrooms: Promoting Success for All Students. Teachers College Press: New York, NY.
  • 2011 Lubliner, S. & Hiebert, E. An Analysis of English–Spanish Cognates as a Source of General Academic Language. Bilingual Research Journal Vol. 34, 1, p. 76.
  • 2008 Hiebert, E. & Lubliner, S. The Nature, Learning, and Instruction of General Academic Vocabulary. In A. Farstrup & J. Samuels (Eds.) What research has to say about vocabulary instruction. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
  • 2006 Constructs Underlying Word Selection and Assessment Tasks in the Archival Research on Vocabulary Instruction (Scott, J., Lubliner, S. & Hiebert, E.) 55th Yearbook of the National Literacy Conference
  • 2005 The Effect of Comprehensive Vocabulary Instruction on Title I Students Metacognitive Word Learning Skills and Reading Comprehension (Journal of Literacy Research, Vol. 37, 2)
  • 2005 "Go Look It Up": Dictionary Instruction Revisited (The California Reader, Vol. 38, 4)
  • Jan. 2005 Dr. Shira Lubliner on Vocabulary Instruction (BrookesPublishing's Education Newsletter)
  • February, 2004 Help for Struggling Upper Grade Readers (The Reading Teacher, Feb. 2004)
  • November, 2001 Breaking Down the Gates: Instructional Practices that Support the Success of All Children (Classroom Leadership, 2001)
  • April, 1990 The Transformation of a Congregational School: A Case Study. (The Pedagogic Reporter)
, Professor, Department of Teacher Education
  • Mitchell, J and Hooks, MY, (2007). Teaching about HIV/AIDS through online education. Academic Exchange Quarterly. (45-50). Thomson Gale.
  • Mitchell, J., Ramirez, F., Hooks, M.Y. (2005). Preparing teachers as prevention agents: An online learning course.Humanizing Pedagogy. AACTE.
  • Mitchell, J (2005). Building Trust in the AIDS Education Classroom . Humanizing Pedagogy. AACTE.
  • Mitchell, J.M., James, L., Essig, B., and Shipp, K., (2003). SOAR 2 College. Educational Leadership. ASCD.
  • Mitchell, J; Johnson D & R. Johnson (2003). The Impact of Academic Controversy on Subsequent Conflict Resolution and Relationships Among Students. Journal of Educational Research.
  • Mitchell, J. (2003). Cooperative Learning and Service Learning: Soul-mates for Reflection in Higher Education . Small-group Learning in Higher Education, Lessons from the Past, Visions of the Future, in Cooper, J. (ed.),. AAHE.
  • Mitchell, J., Johnson D., and Johnson R., (2002). Are All Types of Cooperation Equal?. Social Psychology of Education. Social Psychology of Education.
  • Avery, P., Johnson, D., Johnson, R., and Mitchell, J. (1999). Teaching An Understanding of Peace Through Academic Controversies. in Bartel (ed.) How Children Understand War and Peace.
, Professor, Department of Teacher Education
  • Ramirez, L. (in press) . Recipes for Success: You are not alone, we are with you. California Association for Bilingual Education, Velazquez Press.
  • Ramirez, L. (in press) What do we want for our children? Overcome Fear!!.. Participate in schools, Multilingual Educator.
  • Gallardo, O. & Ramirez, L. (2012) . Multicultural Education in Practice: Transforming One Community at a Time. California Association for Bilingual Education, Velazquez Press.
  • Ramirez, L.& Kitting C. (2009) From a Submarine to the Classroom: From Theory to Practice. California Council on Teacher Education News.
  • Ramirez, L. & Gallardo, O. (2001). A Critical Literacy Approach. Portraits of Teachers in Multicultural Settings. Needham Heights, MA. Allyn and Bacon.
  • Environmental Education: A Different Approach, Proceedings from The Annual International Congress on Challenges to Education: Balancing Unity and Diversity in a Changing World, Maui, HI, July 1997
  • Southwest Education Laboratory (1992) Site Based Decision Making Module. Austin, TX.
, Emeritus Professor, Department of Teacher Education


  • Zarrillo, J. (2016). Ready for RICA: A test preparation guide for California’s reading instruction assessment (4th ed., e-book). Boston: Pearson
  • Zarrillo, J. (2012). Teaching elementary social studies: Principles and applications (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
  • Zarrillo, J. (2011). Ready for the revised RICA: A test preparation guide for California’s reading instruction assessment (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson
  • Zarrillo, J. (2007). Are you prepared to teach reading? Columbus OH: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.
  • Zarrillo, J. (1994). Multicultural literature, multicultural teaching: Units for the elementary grades. Ft. Worth: Harcourt Brace.
  • Cox, C. & Zarrillo, J. (1993) Teaching reading with children's literature. New York: Merrill/Macmillan.

Chapters in Books

  • Zarrillo, J. & Cox, C. (1992). Efferent and aesthetic teaching. In J. E. Many and C. Cox (Eds.), Reader stance and literary understanding: Exploring the theories, research, and practice (pp. 235 ­ 249). Norwood NJ: Ablex.
  • Zarrillo, J. (1991). Empowered teachers and children: What students read in a Whole Language classroom. In J. Hydrick (Ed.), Whole Language: Empowerment at the Chalk Face (pp. 135-143). New York: Scholastic.
  • Zarrillo, J. (l988). Literature-based reading: From research to practice. In M. P. Douglass (Ed.), Claremont Reading Conference Fifty-Second Yearbook (pp. 69-81). Claremont CA: Claremont Reading Conference.
  • Zarrillo, J. (l986). The historical classics of children's literature and basal readers. In M. P. Douglass (Ed.), Claremont Reading Conference Fiftieth Yearbook (pp.181-191). Claremont CA: Claremont Reading Conference.

Journal Articles

  • Zarrillo, J. (1991). Theory becomes practice: Aesthetic teaching with literature. The New Advocate, 4, 221 – 234.
  • Zarrillo, J. (1989). History and library books. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 2(2), 17 – 19.
  • Zarrillo, J. (1989). Teachers’ interpretations of literature-based reading. The Reading Teacher, 43, 22 – 28.
  • James, M. & Zarrrillo, J. (1989). Teaching history with children’s literature: A concept-based, interdisciplinary approach. The Social Studies, 80, 153 – 158.
  • Zarrillo, J. (1988). Beverly Cleary, Ramona Quimby, and the teaching of reading. Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, 13, 131 – 135.

College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders

, Assistant Professor, Department of Communative Sciences and Disorder
  • Chang, S-E., Angstadt, M., Chow, H. M., Etchell, A., Garnett, E., Choo, A. L., Kessler, D., Welsh, R., & Sripada, C. (accepted). Anomalous network architecture of the resting brain in children who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders.
  • Choo, A. L., Burnham, E., Hicks, K., & Chang, S-E. (2016). Dissociations among linguistic, cognitive, and auditory-motor neuroanatomical domains in children who stutter. Journal of Communication Disorders, 61, 29-47.
  • Chang, S-E., Zhu, D., Choo, A. L., & Angstadt, M. (2015). White matter neuroanatomical differences in young children who stutter. Brain, 138, 694-711. *Featured as Editor’s Choice.
, Assistant Professor, Department of Communative Sciences and Disorder
  • Dukhovny, E., Zhou, Y. (2016) Effects of icon size and location on speed and accuracy of SGD access. Augmentative and Alternative Communication published online 20 Oct. 2016
  • Dukhovny, E., Kelly, E. (2015) Practical Resources for Provision of Services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Users of AAC. SIG 14, Perspectives on Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations 22(1), 25-39
  • Dukhovny, E., Gahl, S. (2014) Manual motor-plan similarity affects lexical recall on a speech-generating device: Implications for AAC users. Journal of Communication Disorders 48, 52-60
  • Dukhovny, E., Soto, G. (2013) Speech Generating Devices and Modality of Short-term Word Storage. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 29 (3), 246-58
  • Soto, G., Dukhovny, E. (2008) The effect of shared book reading on the acquisition of expressive vocabulary of a 7 year old who uses AAC. Seminars in Speech and Language 29(2), 133-145
  • Soto, G. in collaboration with Dukhovny, E. and Vestli, T. (2006). Supporting Storybook Reading Participation for Children Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems. In L. Justice, (Ed.) Clinical Approaches to Emergent Literacy Intervention (pp. 295-323). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc.
, Chair, Associate Professor, Department of Communative Sciences and Disorder

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS * indicates student co-author

  • Brown, K., Kashinath, S., & Fauth, B*. (in review). Practice Brief: Conversation Club: Social skills intervention for adults with autism on a university campus. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability.
  • Kashinath, S., Barber, A., Soroka, C*., & Ryan, S. (in review). In their own words: Perceptions and experiences of college students with autism. Autism: Journal of Research and Practice.
  • Kashinath, S., Pearman, A.*, & Canales, A.* (2015). Using technology to facilitate authentic assessment of bilingual preschool children. Perspectives on Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Populations, 22 (1), 15-24.
  • Kashinath, S., Coston, J., & Woods, J. (2014). Using a Logic Model to define the Early Interventionist’s ROLE on any given day. Young Exceptional Children. DOI: 10.1177/1096250614523967
  • Kashinath, S., (2012). Meta-analysis finds that peer mediated and video-modeling social skills interventions are effective for children with autism, but caution is urged in interpreting the results. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 6:2, 58-62.
  • Yu, B, & Kashinath, S. (2011). Family-centered care and other labors of love: Culturally competent service delivery for young children and their families. California Speech and Hearing Association (CSHA) Magazine, 41(1), 12-13.
  • Woods, J. & Kashinath, S. (2007). Expanding opportunities for social communication into daily routines. Early Childhood Services: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Effectiveness, 1(2), 137-154.
  • Kashinath, S., Woods, J., & Goldstein, H. (2006). Enhancing generalized teaching strategy use in daily routines by parents of children with Autism. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 49(3), 466-485.
  • Woods, J., Kashinath, S., & Goldstein, H. (2004). Effects of embedding caregiver implemented teaching strategies in daily routines on children’s communication outcomes. Journal of Early Intervention, 26(3), 175-193.


  • Wetherby, Woods, Kashinath, & Daly-Holland (2012). Early Social Interaction Project: A model intervention project for young children with ASD and families in natural environments. In Prelock, P., & McCauley, R. Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for Communication and Social Interactions. Paul Brookes: Baltimore, MD.
  • Research Reports, Monographs and White Papers
  • Davis, M., Kashinath, S., McClain, Z., Restaino, P., & Strayer, L. (2013). Assessing Community Engagement and its Impact on Student Learning Outcomes at ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ. Programmatic Excellence and Innovation in Learning (PEIL) Project Report, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ.