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CS 4594 Broadband Communications (4) 2005
Catalog Description:
Principles of broadband networks and communications. Telephone system structure, signaling, services, and protocols. Circuit, packet, and cell switching. Broadband signalling and traffic management. Advanced switch technology. Case studies: SONET, SDH, Frame relay, B-ISDN, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), IP and multimedia over ATM. Prerequisite: CS 3590.
Course Description
- Telephony network and services; broadband communications
- technologies -- FDDI, SONET/SDH; packet and cell
- switching -- Frame Relay, B-ISDN, ATM; signaling
- services and traffic management; LAN emulatioin; Optical
- networks -- Lambda switching.
Course Outline
- Communication networks
- Telephone network and services
- Switching technologies
- packet and cell switching
- Frame Relay
- Broadband communications, B-ISDN
- ATM Model
- user plane, control plane, management plane
- Physical layer
- ATM layer
- ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL)
- AAL1, AAL2, AAL 3/4, AAL5
- Signaling AAL and SSCOP
- switching fabrics
- ATM Model
- Signaling services, Q.2931, UNI, NNI, PNNI
- Traffic management
- Optical switching technologies and networks
Assignments and Project
The assignments may include
- building and testing a simulation of a packing switch,
- building and testing a simulation of packet switching network,
- examining and configuring a real broadband switch, and
- writing a proposal for a real broadband network. Programming may be done in C or Java or a simulation language using a network or general simulation system.
Recommended Text Books
- Balaji Kumar, Broadband Communications, McGraw-Hill.
- Uyless Black, ATM, Vol I, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall.
- H. Jonathon Chao, Cheuk H. Lam, Eiji Oki, Broadband Packet
- Switching Technologies, Wiley.
- Rainer Handel, Manfred N Huber, Stefan Schroder, ATM Networks, 3rd Ed., Addison-Wesley.
- Othmar Kyas, Gregan Crawford, ATM Networks, Prentice Hall.