MS Computer Science Artificial Intelligence & Machine Language Concentration

The world is on the cusp of an AI revolution, and the drive for innovation is more critical than ever. AI and ML have the potential to reshape entire industries, create new ones, and solve some of the world's most pressing problems. From predicting climate change patterns to developing personalized medical treatments, the applications are vast and transformative. By offering a concentration in AI and ML, the Department of Computer Science positions itself as a hub in the Bay Area, in line with other competing academic institutions, attracting passionate students. This concentration not only fosters a culture of cutting-edge research but also ensures that the institution remains relevant and influential in future technology.

The degree and concentration total 30 units. Students enrolled in the MS Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Concentration will take the following general MS CS courses:

CS 601 - Advanced Algorithms Units: 3
CS 611 - Theory of Computation Units: 3
CS 621 - Operating Systems Design Units: 3
CS 651 - Web Systems Units: 3
CS 671 - Cybersecurity Units: 3

The concentration consists of 12 units. There are three required courses listed below. Plus, one additional course approved in advance by the Program Director.

CS 661 Advanced Artificial Intelligence 3 units
CS 663 Computer Vision 3 units
CS 667 Machine Learning 3 units
Elective 3 units

The degree is completed by the Capstone Experience. There are three options for the Capstone Experience:
A student must select and satisfy 3 units from one (1) of the following capstone requirements. A student must have “Advanced to Candidacy” status, a GPA of 3.0 or greater, and department permission to enroll in any of the capstone options.

Students who complete a thesis or project must complete a minimum of 3 units and have an advisor who agrees to oversee the work and must have the proposed topic approved by the Computer Science Graduate Studies Committee.

CS 692 - Capstone Examinations Units: 3
CS 693 - Capstone Project Units: 1-4
CS 699 - Capstone Thesis Units: 1-6


For more information please see CS Department Website