November 2012
In November 2012, Nicole LaVoi explored issues of gender and power in sport after 40 years of Title IX in a CSSJ presentation. She spoke to an audience of 200 about current issues that affect females’ participation in sport. She highlighted the positive role of Title IX as well as ongoing problems of women’s sport in the mass media, such as the decreased amount of coverage and increased sexualization of female athletes.
Nicole LaVoi is the Associate Director of the at the University of Minnesota, as well as a faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota and Co-Coordinator of the . She works closely with youth sport groups, parent groups, and college coaches – most recently as a board member of the Alliance of Women Coaches. Currently she is working on a program for professional development and networking opportunities for female coaches in interscholastic and youth sport, called “We Coach: Educating & Empowering Through Sport.”
"Every time I look at athletic promotional materials I'm cognizant of Dr. LaVoi's message." - Jose-Luis Rayas, Events Coordinator, CSU East Bay Athletics