Deck of Fitness

Interested in trying a different and fun way to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine? Try out our Deck of Fitness routines! Deck of Fitness is available for all types of physical activity levels and the only thing that’s needed is a deck of cards (in hand, or online).

How it works: Each suit is assigned an exercise. For example, hearts are push ups, spades are burpees, clubs are lunges, and diamonds are jumping jacks. The number or face card is equal to the amount of repetitions that will be done. For example if you pull the 8 of hearts that correlates to 8 push ups. The ace of spades would correlate to either 1 or 11 burpees. And pulling the king of clubs would result in 10 lunges. 

Quick Steps

  1. Shuffle the deck of cards.

  2. Draw 5 cards.

  3. Using those 5 cards and applying the "How it Works" process outlined above, complete that workout set. That is Set 1.

  4. Rest for 2-3 minutes.

  5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 until all cards in the deck are discarded. 

  6. You can also use the following variations

    • use 3 card sets

    • go through the cards one at a time

    • break the deck up over a day or two

Don't have a deck of cards or on the go? Consider using this .

Questions? Contact

Watch this 8 minute video for a quick Deck of Fitness tutorial and some other physical activity pointers.
*4 Sample Workouts using the Deck of Fitness process are also offered below this video.

Deck of Fitness Sample Workouts

Deck of Fitness Fullbody Workout

Deck of Fitness Fullbody Workout

This shuffled deck includes Spider Crawls, High Knees, Russian Twists, and Plank Taps for a full body workout. Assign your suits and pull your cards to arrive at your workout set!
Deck of Fitness Arm Workout

Deck of Fitness Arm Workout

This shuffled deck includes Kickboxing Punches, Bicep Curls to Push Press, Lateral Raises, and Arm Circles for a solid arm workout. Assign your suits and pull your cards to arrive at your workout set!
Deck of Fitness Leg Workout

Deck of Fitness Leg Workout

This shuffled deck includes Spaceman Jumps, Glute Bridges, Calf Raises, and Fire Hydrants for a comprehensive leg workout. Assign your suits and pull your cards to arrive at your workout set!
Deck of Fitness Core Workout

Deck of Fitness Core Workout

This shuffled deck includes V-Sits, Heel Taps, Double Leg Lifts, and Bird-Dogs for a centralized core workout. Assign your suits and pull your cards to arrive at your workout set!