maintain your personal info

  1. Open your internet browser (Firefox is recommended) and Log in to MyHR using your Net ID and Password.
  2. Click the SIGN IN button.

Employees can review and maintain personal information on file with the University.

  1. Once you are signed in select the Employee tab.
  2. Click the Personal Information Summary link.
  3. Use the scroll bar to scroll through and review your personal information.
Note: Personal information cannot be directly updated on this page; however, the buttons provided at the end of each editable section open the appropriate pages where the data may be updated.
Your mailing address is your primary, legal address, and is used for payroll, taxation, and benefits mailings.
  1. From the View Personal Information Summary Page, click the Change home/mailing addresses button or select the Addresses hyperlink from the employee tab.
  2. Address Page Updates:
    1. Click on the EDIT button for the address that you wish to change.
  3. Enter/Update appropriate address fields.
    1. At a minimum, you must enter the Address 1, City, State, and Postal (ZIP) Code fields.
    2. Enter the remaining address details, as appropriate.
  4. Indicate when the address change is to become effective by entering a specific date in the On this date field.
  5. Click the SAVE button.
  6. Click the OK button to confirm entry
Note: If you enter a future effective date for an address, the new address will not appear online until that date. Employees may continue to submit the Employee Action Request form to request a change of address (updates will apply to mailing address ONLY). YOU are responsible for notifying any vendors handling your payroll deductions (e.g., 401(k), 403(b), 457, Life Insurance) of address changes directly as they maintain their own personnel records.
You may add, update, or delete a non-business phone number. Requests to update your business phone number can be submitted through our campus directory ‘’ link. Several types of phone numbers exist that you may add; however, only one of each type of phone number is allowed. To add or change a phone number:
  1. From the View Personal Information Summary Page, click the Change phone numbers button or select the Phone Numbers hyperlink form the employee tab.
  2. Phone Numbers Page:
    1. Click the ADD A NEW PHONE NUMBER button to add a new phone type. Select a Phone Type from the drop-down list. Enter the phone number, including area code (e.g., 510/885- 3000), in the Telephone field.
    2. Click the DELETE button to delete an existing phone number.
    3. Updates can be submitted by entering the new phone number in the Telephone field located next to the Phone Type you wish to change.
  3. Click the SAVE button.
  4. Click the OK button to confirm entry
Note: Your ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ phone number will be added to the system during the employee provisioning process. Business and ON-Campus phone types cannot be marked as preferred.
The following links have been made available for employees to report changes or updates to: Veterans Status, Disability Status, CSU Ethnicity Resurvey and Employee COVID 19 Self Certification.
It is helpful if you provide the University with the name of at least one individual to contact in the event of an emergency. If you provide more than one emergency contact, you must indicate which individual is your primary emergency contact. When entering emergency contact information, you must indicate your contact’s name, relationship to you, address and phone number.
  1. From the View Personal Information Page, click the Change emergency contacts button or select the Emergency Contacts hyperlink from the employee tab.
  2. Emergency Contacts:
    1. Click the EDIT button to change existing contact information.
    2. Click the DELETE button to delete existing contact information.
    3. Click the ADD AN EMERGENCY CONTACT button to add a new contact.
    4. Click the Change the primary contact button to designate or change your primary contact.
  3. Enter your emergency contact’s name in the Contact Name field.
  4. Indicate their relationship to you by choosing the most appropriate value from the Relationship to Employee drop-down list.
  5. You must provide the emergency contact’s address (if your emergency contact has the same address and phone number as you, simply populate the checkbox in the beginning of the Address and Telephone sections and indicate which address and phone types should be used.):
    1. When entering the address, you must provide, at a minimum, Address 1, City, State, and Postal (ZIP) Code.
  6. Enter your contact’s phone number, including area code, in the Telephone field. To provide additional phone numbers where your contact may be reached during your regular working hours:
    1. Click the Add a Phone Number button.
    2. From the Phone Type drop-down list, indicate the type of number you are providing.
    3. Enter the number, including area code, in the Phone Number field.
  7. Click the SAVE button.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm entry
You may add, update, or delete a non-business or on-campus email address.
  1. From the View Personal Information Page, click the Change email addresses button or select the Email Addresses hyperlink from the employee tab.
  2. Email Addresses Page:
    1. Click the ADD AN EMAIL ADDRESS button to add a new email type.
    2. Click the DELETE button to delete an existing email address.
    3. Updates can be submitted by entering the new email address in the Email Address field located next to the Email Type you wish to change.
  3. Indicate the type of email address you are providing by selecting a type from the Email Type drop-down list.
  4. Enter the email address in the Email Address field. (Note: your business email will always be your ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ email, and it will always be preferred.)
  5. Click the SAVE button.
  6. Click the OK button to confirm entry
You may view your benefit elections. The display shows the type of benefit, the description of your currently selected plan, and the level of coverage elected.
  1. Select View Benefits Summary from the Self-Service menu.
  2. Click on the Medical or Dental link under the Type of Benefit column to view the plan details.
  3. Click on the link representing your covered dependent/beneficiary’s name to view your Dependent/Beneficiary’s Personal Information Page. Click the EDIT button to update contact information.
  4. Click the SAVE button to save entry
Please refer to our Benefit Process Guides for details on Benefit Enrollment and initiation of Life Event transactions
Open Enrollment occurs every fall in September and October. Information will be available on our Benefits website.

You may view your most recent paycheck and past paychecks back to August 2001. Paycheck information for each pay period will be available on payday.

  1. Select View Paycheck from the Self-Service menu.
  2. Use the scroll bar, if needed, to scroll through the Paycheck Selections.
  3. Click on the View Paycheck link for the paycheck that you want to view.
  4. Click on the View a Different Paycheck link to go back to the Paycheck Selections list and select a different paycheck.
Absence Eligible employees can select the View Absences Balances link see current leave balances. Balances are typically updated by the 15th of the month.

Employees are encouraged to report absences as they occur. Failure to report leave in a timely manner may results in incorrect leave balances.

  1. Select Report and View Absences hyperlink from the employee tab.
  2. Select the appropriate leave from the Absence Name drop-down list
  3. Enter the Begin Date and End Date
  4. Non-exempt employees reporting less than a full day should select Partial Hours from the Partial Days drop-down list.
    1. Enter the total hours taken in the Hours per Day field
  5. Hourly employees should select Partial Hours from the Partial Days drop-down list
    1. Enter the total hours taken in the Hours per Day field
  6. Click the Add Comments hyperlink to submit a comment if prompted.
  7. Click the SUBMIT button
  8. Click the OK to confirm entry

MyHR Personal Information Self-Service for Faculty and Staff Employees

Quick Reference Guide

You May:

  • Maintain your personal information
    • Home and Mailing addresses
    • Phone numbers
    • Emergency Contacts
    • Email addresses
    • Update Veteran Status
    • Update Disability Status
    • Complete the ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Ethnicity Resurvey
    • Employee COVID 19 Self Certification
  • Review your current benefit elections, dependents, and beneficiaries
  • Update dependent contact information
  • Enroll in Benefits
  • Submit a Life Event
  • View your paychecks online
  • Report an Absence
  • View Current Leave Balances

Printable Version: Employee Self Service