Course Evaluations
The Testing Office is the designated office for handling the computerized processing of the Academic Senate approved course evaluation forms (the SRQ - Student Rating Questionnaire). Individual departments oversee the administration and collection of course evaluations at the end of each quarter and are responsible for the dissemination of any information obtained from the evaluations, as well as the archiving of all forms. If you have any questions about interpretation of the basic statistics on the report, you may discuss the results with your department chair.
For course evaluations, the STUDENT RATING QUESTIONNAIRE (available through Duplicating Services, order 1-918-00) is the ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ approved form for collecting end of quarter faculty/course evaluations.
The SRQ contains eight Academic Senate approved evaluation questions.
You also have the option of adding up to twenty-two (22) customized questions depending upon faculty and/or department requirements.