Publish Entire Site

How To Publish A Base Folder (or re-publish your entire site)

  1. Log into and select your site.

  2. Use the folder tree to select the top folder of your site.  Note: you can choose Site Content on the top menu on any page within your site to select the Base Folder.

    You will need to publish the entire folder structure for an initial live push, if your page is unpublished or if you have made updates to your left navigation. This ensures every left navigation link on every page is updated site-wide.

    Select > Icon to the right of folder name

  3. When you're ready to go live, choose Publish to put your entire site into the publishing queue.  Please note: depending on the size of your site, this can take quite a bit longer than publishing a single page.

  4. Note: if some page(s) are not successfully publishing, check to see if Include When Publishing is selected for those page(s).  Also follow the same link if you do not want some page(s) to publish during this process.