Tyler G Evans Faculty Profile

Tyler  G  Evans

Assistant Professor

Department of Biological Sciences

  • E-mail: tyler.evans@csueastbay.edu
  • Office: SC-S 350
  • Home Page:
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My lab is interested in how shifts in abiotic variables affect the performance of marine organisms, particularly within the scope of global climate change. Our work strives to characterize responses to the environment across levels of biological organization and elucidate differences that exist between populations or species in their capacity to respond to environmental change. Ultimately, this information is useful in developing predictions as to how organisms will fare in future environments.

  • Environmental Physiology
  • Genomics
  • Climate Change

  • Ph.D. in Biology, University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
BIOL 37001Animal PhysiologyMW12:30PM1:45PMSC-S213
BIOL 3701AAnimal PhysiologyTU2:00PM4:30PMSC-S337
BIOL 47601General EndocrinologyTTH9:30AM10:45AMSC-N320
BIOL 47609SSGeneral EndocrinologyTTH11:00AM12:15PMPE-0124HAYWARD
BIOL 48801Environmental PhysiologyMW9:30AM10:45AMSC-N119
BIOL 49002Independent StudyARRARR
BIOL 49003Independent StudyARRARR

Select publications

Evans TG, Hofmann GE. (2012) Defining the limits of physiological plasticity: how gene expression can assess and predict the consequences of ocean change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 367:1733-1745.

Evans TG, Hammill E, Kaukinen K, Schulze AD, Patterson DA, English KK, Curtis JM, Miller KM. (2011) Transcriptomics of environmental acclimatization and survival in wild adult Pacific sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during spawning migration. Molecular Ecology. 20: 4472-4489.

Evans TG, Somero GN. (2010) Phosphorylation events catalyzed by major cell signaling proteins differ in response to thermal and osmotic stress in native (Mytilus californianus and Mytilus trossulus) and invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) species of mussels. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 83: 984-996.

Evans TG, Somero GN. (2008) A microarray-based transcriptomic time course of hyper- and hypo-osmotic stress signaling events in the euryhaline fish Gillichthys mirabilis: osmosensors to effectors. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 3636-3649.