Gale Young Faculty Profile


Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Speech Communication, Cognate Philosophy

Dissertation: Arthur Schopenhauer: Iconoclasm for a Contemporary Communication Philosophy.

M.A., University of California, Los Angeles, Speech Communication

B.A., ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, East Bay, Speech and Theater

Administration Experience

Note: Almost all of the administrative experience listed below was done as part of my full time faculty assignment.

Interim Presidential Appointee to the Fairness Committee, Cal State East Bay, 2005 to present. Facilitate fairness and grievance procedures for student complaints at the university level.

Chair, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ ~ WASC Planning Process, September 2002 to present Coordinate the regional accreditation quality control process (WASC).

Associate Dean, College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, Cal State East Bay (then Hayward), September 2000 to present

Assigned responsibility for Curriculum, Review Processes, Student Grievances, Assessment, Educational Technology, and Faculty Development.

Implemented University-wide Assessment Plan for 23 Academic Departments and Programs.

Managed six technology staff, oversaw service policy, led the first strategic plan linked to budgeting, represented the College on University Technology committees, etc.

Coordinator, CSU Accountability Report, Cal State East Bay, Fall 1999 - August 2000

Coordinated accountability effort for eleven system-wide indicators.

Authored the ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Accountability Plan for assessing student-learning outcomes.

Interim Chair, Art Department, Cal State East Bay, April 2000 - July 31, 2000

Mediated and calmed highly public and contentious conflict in department.

Facilitated process that allowed faculty to create and craft a new mission statement.

Managed normal departmental business: scheduling, budgeting, personnel procedures, student complaints, etc.

Coordinator, WASC 2000 Interim Report, Cal State East Bay, Fall 1999 - April 2000

Co-facilitated process and team effort for seven subcommittees.

With L. Mintz, edited subcommittee reports, drafted executive summaries, and wrote the introduction and conclusion for the final report.

Co-Director, Center for the Study of Intercultural Relations, Cal State East Bay, 1986 - Fall 2000

Generated and managed grants totaling $337,800 in new funding.

Recruited, selected and managed 10 faculty and 20 staff on 8 CSU campuses for the development and teaching of interdisciplinary General Education multicultural courses using distance technologies. Established and managed a 6 member Advisory Board and a 100 member National Review Team. Produced Videotape and CD-ROM distributed by Public Broadcasting System (PBS).

Negotiated intellectual properly rights for contract with PBS.

Co-directed two national conferences.

Facilitated numerous faculty and student development programs on multicultural curriculum and race issues. Facilitated numerous faculty and student development programs on multicultural curriculum and race issues.

American Council of Education Fellow, 1998 - 1999, Host Institution: John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, CA

Served as Assessment Analyst in preparation for WASC report. Assisted with enrollment management issues. Participated in capital campaign and budget committees.  Served as member of Presidentís cabinet.

Studied:  the professoriate, fund-raising, budget and resource allocations, and community service.  Prepared and presented a report on the status of faculty recruitment and development.  Visited sixteen (16) universities and colleges.

Invited guest of Vice-Chancellor and Executive Staff of Peninsula Technikon, Belleville, South Africa.  Consulted on issues of affirmative action and difficult dialogue with faculty, staff, and executives.  Initiated partnership process between Peninsula Technikon and Cal State Hayward.

Faculty Affirmative Action Liaison Officer, Cal State East Bay, 1996 - 1998

Provided affirmative action assistance to 35 department committees recruiting for tenure track positions.

Contributed to revision of Affirmative Action procedures.

Reported to Academic Senate.

Developed and proposed framework for the establishment of the "Faculty Diversity and Equity Committee" of the Academic Senate.

Special Assistant to the Dean, Intercultural Relations, Cal State East Bay, 1990 - 1992

Established and facilitated monthly meetings of the Multicultural Council for 18 departments.

Provided assistance to faculty and administrators on multicultural issues.

Faculty Coordinator and Course Developer, Program for Adult Continuing Education (PACE), Cal State East Bay, 1990-1992

Directed and facilitated team effort to create interdisciplinary curriculum for PACE program.

Provided on-going faculty development assistance to PACE faculty.

Teaching Experience

Professor, Communication, Cal State East Bay, 1990 to present

Teach Interpersonal and Public Speaking (lower division); Conflict, Personal, Intercultural, and Communication Theory (senior level); and Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Teaching Communication (Graduate).

Developed interdisciplinary option in Intercultural Communication.

Associate Professor, Speech Communication, Cal State East Bay, 1985-1990; Tenured 1985.

Assistant Professor, Speech Communication, Cal State East Bay, 1980-1985.

Instructor, Speech Communication, Cal State East Bay, 1978-1980.

Instructor, Communication, UCLA, Veterans Special Education Program, 1971-1976.

Adjunct Instructor, Communication, Cal State Los Angeles and Cal State San Bernardino, 1974-1978.

Teaching Associate, Communication Studies Program, UCLA, 1971-1977.

University Service

Presidential Appointee to Committee on Curriculum and Program Review, 2003 to present

University Technology Committee, 2000-2003

Assessment Council, 2000 to present

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable, 1999-2003

Faculty Affirmative Action Liaison Officer, 1996-1998

Futures Committee, 1994-1996

Active Mentor, Mentoring Program, 1985-1998

Member, Academic Senate, 1985-1998, with occasional gaps

Member, Departmental Committees

Grants and Sponsored Research

Research, Scholarship, and Creativity GrantSeeking to Understand Difficulty Dialogues, Cal State Hayward, 1977, one quarter leave.

The Annenberg/CPB ProjectDiversity, Distance, and Dialogue.  Co-Investigator, 1995-1997, $200,000.

CSU Chancellorís OfficeTime to Degree.  Co-Director, 1994, $55,000.

Lottery Grant.  For on-campus Multicultural Lecture Series.  Co-Director, 1987-1988, $8,885.

National Institute of Dispute Resolution Grant.  For developing materials on racial issues in public policy courses.  Co-Investigator, 1986-1988, $5,000.

Lottery Grant To edit ten (10) videotapes and produce Multicultural Literacy Manual.  Co-Director, 1986-1987, $17,072.

Educational Equity Grant.  To develop and teach General Studies course Minority Managers in White Environments.  Co-Director, 1986-1987, $2,400.

CSU Chancellorís GrantTowards a Cross-Cultural Curriculum.  Co-Director, 1984-1987, $49,446.

Awards and Fellowships

PenTech-ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Partnership, Nikolai Khaladjan International Award, American Association of University Administrators, June, 2003.

PenTech-ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Partnership, "Best Practices in International Education and Learning Award," National Association of Student Personnel Administration: International Education Knowledge Community, 2002 Award.

American Council of Education Fellowship, 1998-1999.

Outstanding Mentor at Cal State East Bay, Mentoring Program, 1996.

Delegate to Israel. Promoting Tolerance and Resolving Conflicts: Challenges of Democracy in Multi-ethnic Pluralistic Societies.  Co-Sponsored by the Educational Development Center, Boston and the Public Council for Exchange of Youth and Young Adults, and the Israeli Government, November, 1993.

Efforts in Responding to Diversity in the CSU.  Co-Recipient with B. Paige-Pointer, 1989.

Selected Publications

Note:  Also published under the name Gale Auletta.


Toward the Multicultural University. (1995) With B. Bowser and T. Jones. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Press.

Confronting Diversity Issues on Campus. (1993) With B. Bowser and T. Jones. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.


Diversity, Distance, and Dialogue. (1998) Executive Producer at Cal State East Bay for distribution by Public Broadcasting Corporation (three-year contract). 1st ed., 1997, at Annenberg/CPB.

"Facilitating Difficult Dialogues." (1998, 1997) in Diversity, Distance, and Dialogue.


Difficult Dialogues. 2nd ed. (1998) (25 mins.) Executive Producer at Cal State East Bay for broadcast and distribution by Public Broadcasting Corporation (three-year contract). 1st ed., 1997, at Annenberg/CPB.

Guest Editor

American Behavioral Scientist. (1990) With T. Jones.  Issue devoted to "The Inclusive University: Multicultural Perspectives in Higher Education, 34:2.

Articles and Book Chapters

"Pulling at the Roots and Responsibilities of Whiteness." (2005 and 1999 eds.) Among US: Essays on Intercultural Communications. Eds. R. Lustig, J. Koester. New York: Longman Publications.

"Dealing with Difficult Classroom Dialogue." (2003) Teaching Gender and Multicultural Awareness: Resources for the Psychological Classroom. Ed. Phyllis Bronstein and Kathryn Quina. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

"The Vicissitudes of Cultural Competence: Dealing with Difficult Classroom Dialogue." (2002) With Elizabeth Davis-Russell. The California School of Professional Psychology Multicultural Education, Research, Intervention, and Training. Ed. Elizabeth Davis-Russell. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.

"Educational Interventions: The Lionís Roar." (1998) Communication of Prejudice. Ed. M. Hecht. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

"Derailing the Equity Process: Language as a Mechanism of Sabotage." (1996) With B. Paige-Pointer. Communication Ethics in an Age of Diversity. Eds. J.M. Makau and R.C. Amett. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

"Classroom Dynamics: Disclosing the Hidden Curriculum." (1996) With T. Jones in Multicultural Course Transformation in Higher Education: Broader Truth. Eds. A.I. Morey and M.K. Kitano. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

"Unmasking the Myths of Racism in the Classroom." (1994) With T. Jones in Changing College Classrooms: the Challenge of Educating Students for the 21st Century. Ed. D. Halpern. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

"Restructuring the Curriculum: Barriers and Bridges." (1990) With B. Paige-Pointer. Womenís Studies Quarterly. 18:1-2.

"Reconstituting the Inner Circle." (1990) With T. Jones in The American Behavioral Scientist. 34:2.

"Beyond War: A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis of a New Class of Revitalization Movement." (1986) With E. Mechling. Western Journal of Speech Communication. 50:4, Fall.

"A Relational Model for Interracial Interactions on Television." (1985) With J. Hammerback. Western Journal of Speech Communication. 49:4 (Fall).

Selected Papers and Presentations

Note:  Presentations have taken place at more than fifty (50) events, ranging from the annual meeting of the American Council of Colleges and Universities to the Western States Communication Association.

"Accreditation: Moving Beyond Compliance to Creating Learning-Centered Institutions." With Ralph Wolff and Richard Winn. American Association for Higher Education, Denver, 2004.

"WASC Reaccreditation: a Precious Opportunity with Necessary Messes: Notes from the Field." With Carl Bellone and Sally Murphy. WASC Conference, San JosÈ, April, 2004.

"Transforming Resistance to Assessment into Motivation for Educational Effectiveness." With Michael Strait. WASC Conference, Irvine, April, 2003 and San Diego, April, 2002.

"Challenging Expectations for Faculty Leadership and Development." Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., Jan. 2000.

"Difficult Dialogues." Urban Partnership Program Conference, Newark, New Jersey, Dec. 1998.

"Difficult Dialogues." Intercultural Proficiency Project, Kellogg Foundation, Burbank, Calif., May, 1998.

"Difficult Dialogues." ACE Womenís National Network, Berkeley, April, 1998.

 "Facilitating Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom." National Communication Association. Washington, D.C., July, 1997.

"Facilitating Difficult Dialogues in the At-Distance Classroom." Tenth Annual National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education, Orlando, Florida, June, 1997.

"Diversity and Dialogue Across a Distance: Two-way Video Linking Classrooms." Association of American Colleges and Universities. With T. Jones. Washington, D.C., June, 1997.

 "Communicating Affirmative Action Strategies." National Communication Association, Chicago, Jan. 1997.

"Transforming Classroom Through the Use of Technology: Increasing Diversity and Fostering Difficult Dialogues." Association of American Colleges and Universities. With T. Jones. Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. 1997.

"Confronting Diversity Issues on Campus." National Videoconference, originating from De Anza College, March, 1996.

"Doing Difficult Dialogues at-a-Distance." With T. Jones. American Association of Colleges and Universities. New York, March, 1996.

"The Role of Communication in the Multicultural and Technological 21st Century: a Case Study." Western States Communication Association, Pasadena, Feb. 1996.

"Spirituality and Race Relations." Western States Communication Association, Pasadena, Feb. 1996.

"Creating Multicultural Electronic Communities." American Association of Colleges and Universities. With T. Jones. San Francisco, Jan. 1996.

"Engaging Difficult Dialogues Across Race Lines in the Academy." Presidential panel, Southern States Communication Association. With N.C. James. New Orleans, April, 1995.

"Situating Ourselves in a Race-Conscious Society." Western States Communication Association, Portland, Feb. 1995.

"Cultivating Genuineness in Interracial Relationships." Western States Communication Association, Portland, Feb. 1995.

 "Racial/Ethnic Communications: Approaches to Positive Interaction." National Teleconference, originating from Grossmont College, March 1994.

"Confronting Power and Privilege in Intercultural Communication." Western States Communication Association. With T. Jones. San JosÈ, Feb. 1994.

Consulting and Workshops

Facilitator, "Re-visioning Angel Island" Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation, June, 2006.

Facilitator, "Retreat: From Outcomes to Evidence," Department of Social Work, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, June and July 2006.

Facilitator, "Retreat: From Outcomes to Evidence," College of Education and Allied Studies, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, 2005.

Consultant, WASC Institutional Proposal, Pacific School of Psychology, 2005.

Co- Facilitator" Teaching a Multiracial Student Body." With Sonjia Redmond, Faculty Development Workshop, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, Feb. 2005.

Facilitator, "Retreat," University Library, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, Sept. 2004.

"Making Difficult Dialogues Positive Learning Experiences." Cal State Channel Islands, May 2004.

Teacher, "Communicating Conflict," a short course.  College of Education and Allied Studies, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Fall, 2003.

Conversation Partner, "Designing Curriculum for WASC 2001 Handbook." WASC Staff, Summer, 2002.

Facilitator, "Unpacking Race from Social Justice and Democracy," College of Education and Allied Studies, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, Nov. 2002.

Facilitator, "Generating College-wide Outcomes from Strategic Plans," College of Education and Allied Studies, Cal State East Bay, Sept. 26, 2001.

Consultant, "Building Community Through Technology," Kellogg Foundation for University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, and Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, 1996 and 1998.

Consultant on Multicultural Curriculum, Columbia College, Columbia, Missouri, 1992-1997.

Consultant on Intercultural Relations, Greenlining Institute, San Francisco, July 1997.

Consultant, National Summer of Service Program, East Bay Conservation Corporation, Oakland, Calif., May 1993-Sept. 1993.

Consulted on multicultural curriculum and race relations for one- or two-day workshops with the following institutions, 1986 to present:

American Association of University Professors

University of Wisconsin

Los Medanos Community College

Merritt Community College

Mills College

CSU Teacher/Scholar Institute

Castro Valley Adult School

De Anza Community College

Holy Names University

Willamette University

Oregon State University

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

Sacramento State University

Cal State Chico

San JosÈ State University

Conference Leadership

Co-Directed National Conference "The Inclusive University: Multicultural Perspectives in Higher Education." With T. Jones. Co-Sponsored by Cal State East Bay Extended Education and Center for the Study of Intercultural Relations, Nov. 1991.

Co-Directed week-long Regional Conference "Critical Schooling for Diverse Voices." With A.M. Rodriques and T. Jones. Co-Sponsored by Cal State East Bay Extended Education, School of Education, and Center for Study of Intercultural Relations, June 1990.

Co-Directed National Conference "From the Eurocentric University to the Multicultural University: Facultyís Challenge for the 21st Century." With T. Jones. Co-Sponsored by Cal State East Bay Extended Education and Center for the Study of Intercultural Relations, Oct. 1989.

Current Civic and Community Service

Member, San Francisco Shambhala Foundation, 2004 to present.

Member, IK Onkar Interfaith Peace Foundation, 2002-2004.

Member, Angel Island Immigration Foundation Board, 2000-2004.

Not teaching this semester.