Kevin Kaatz Faculty Profile

Kevin  Kaatz

Director of General Education and Associate Professor

Department of History

Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
GS 43001Educ Abroad & NseARRARROverseas
GS 63001Educ Abroad & NseARRARROverseas


Kevin W. Kaatz, How Did They Make and Do That:  Technology in Ancient Rome and Egypt, Routledge, proposal submitted (Nov. 2021--It has been out for review since then--they *still* have not made a decision).

Kevin W. Kaatz, “No Greater Love,” Climate Magazine, Feb. 2023, Issue 90, 23-25.

Kevin W. Kaatz (Lead writer and editor), Ana Almeida, Sarah Aubert, Paul Carpenter, Caron Inouye, Danika LeDuc, Balaraman Rajan, Julie Stein, Fanny Yeung.  Reflections on ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ East Bay’s Excellence in Assessment Designation through the Lens of Student Learning and Success.”  Assessment Update.  Feb. 2022.

Kevin W. Kaatz, “The Joy of Quality Assurance:  Evaluating Faculty Quality Assurance Training at a Medium-Sized University in the West”  Journal of Educators Online, May 2021

Kevin W. Kaatz and Randy Utz, eds., Roman Society:  Republic to Empire:  An Anthology.  Cognella Publishing.  San Diego, CA, 2021.

Linda Ivey and Kevin W. Kaatz, eds., Documents of Japanese American Internment:  Eyewitness to History.  Santa Barbara:  ABC-CLIO, 2020.

Kevin W. Kaatz, ed., Documents of the Rise of Christianity:  Eyewitness to History.  Santa Barbara:  ABC-CLIO, 2019.


Linda Ivey and Kevin W. Kaatz, Citizen Internees:  A Second Look at Race and Citizenship in Japanese American Internment Camps (Santa Barbara:  Praeger, 2017)

Kevin W. Kaatz, The Rise of Christianity:  History, Documents, and Key Questions.  Crossroads in World History series.  (Santa Barbara:  ABC-CLIO, 2016).

Kevin W. Kaatz, ed., Voices of Early Christianity:  Documents from the Origins of Christianity (Santa Barbara:  Greenwood Press, 2013).

Kevin W. Kaatz, Early Controversies and the Growth of Christianity.  (Santa Barbara:  Praeger, 2012).

Vermes, M. (trans.), S. N. C. Lieu, K. W.  Kaatz, Hegemonius, Acta Archelai (The Acts of Archelaus), Manichaean Studies, Vol. 4 (Brepols, 2001).

Kevin W. Kaatz, "The Light and Darkness:  The Two Natures, Free Will and the Scriptural Evidence in the Acta Archelai," in J BeDuhn, Paul Mirecki, eds., Frontiers of Faith:  The Christian-Manichaean Encounter in the Acts of Archelaus (Brill, 2007):  103-118.

Kevin W. Kaatz, “What Did Augustine Really Know About Manichaean Cosmogony?” in A. van Tongerloo, L. Cirillo (eds.). Il Manicheismo. Nuove Prospettive della Richerca (Quinto Congresso Internazionale di Studi sul Manicheismo, Napoli, 2-8 Settembre 2001). Manichaean Studies 5. Brepols, Turnhout 2005.

Book Review, published in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, March 2, 2007 of W. E. Mann, ed., Augustine’s Confessions:  Critical Essays (Oxford, 2006).

Book Review, published in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Sept. 18, 2000 of R.E. Emmerick, W. Sundermann, P. Zieme (ed.), Studia Manichaica:  IV. Internationaler Kongreß zum Manichäismus, Berlin, 14-18. Juli 1997, (Berlin, 2000) Pp. (XIV + 666).

Manichaean Studies News Letter, Vol. 16, 2001, “Impressions of the 5th International Conference of Manichaean Studies.”

Publications in Neuroscience

Tallaksen-Greene, S.J., Kaatz, K.W., Romano, C., Albin, R., “Localization of mGluR1a-like Immunoreactivity and mGluR5-like Immunoreactivity in Identified Populations of Striatal Neurons” Brain Research, Jan 12; 780 (2) (1998), pp. 210-17.

Kaatz, K.W., Albin, R.L., “Intraseptal Administration of (1S,3R)-1-Aminocyclopentane-1,3-Dicarboxylic Acid Induces Immediate Early Gene Expression in Lateral Septal Neurons,” Brain Research Feb 19, vol. 709 (2) (1996), pp. 205-14.

Kaatz, K.W., Albin, R.L., “Intrastriatal and Intrasubthalamic Stimulation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors:  A Behavioral and c-fos Immunohistochemical Study,” Neuroscience, vol. 66, No. 1 (1995), pp. 55-65.

Theresa V. Strong, Danilo A. Tagle, John M. Valdes, Lawrence W. Elmer, Karina Boehm, Manju Swaroop, Kevin W. Kaatz, Francis S. Collins and Roger L. Albin, “Widespread Expression of the Human and Rat Huntington's Disease Gene in Brain and Nonneural Tissues,” Nature Genetics, Vol. 5, #3, Nov. 1993.  Also abstract and poster in the Society for Human Genetics, 1993.

Bazzett, T.J., Becker, J.B., Kaatz, K.W., and Albin, R.L.  “Chronic Intrastriatal Dialytic Administration of Quinolinic Acid Produces Selective Neural Degeneration,”  Experimental Neurology 120 (1993), pp. 177-195.

Kaatz, K.W., Bazzett, T.J., and Albin, R.L., “A New, Simple Myelin Stain” Brain Research Bulletin vol. 29 (1992), pp. 697-8.

Young, A.B., Dauth, G.W., Hollingsworth, Z., Penney, J.B., Kaatz, K., and Gilman, S.  “Quisqualate- and NMDA-Sensitive [3H] Glutamate Binding in Primate Brain”  Journal of Neuroscience Research 27 (1990), pp. 512-521.

After Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

  • Quality Matters Conference, to be held in Nov. 2023. Title Equity in Action:  Training Faculty to Create Equitable Classrooms
  • Invited Speaker, Quality Matters Research Conference. February 2023
  • Quality Matters National Conference (held in Arizona, Nov. 2022 and I could not go because it is a banned state—it became banned after I sent in my abstract). Title of talk:  Title Equity in Action:  Training Faculty to Create Equitable Classrooms
  • Aug. 2022, Back to the Bay August 2022, Title:  GEOC and the Recertification Process, with Mitch Watnik
  • July 2022 Cal State Tech Conference, (with Roger Wen and Brett Christie), Closing the Loop through a 21st Century Assessment System
  • March 2022 Japanese American Internment at the Redwood City Public Library, with Linda Ivey
  • Cal State Tech Conference, July 2020
  • Quality Matters Regional Conference, April 2020

Talks before Tenure and Promotion

  • May 2018, Hayward Historical Association, on Japanese American Internment
  • Presentation at the Japanese American Museum, San Jose, CA, along with Prof. Linda Ivey
  • Panel Presentation, Course Design for Semesters, Back to the Bay, September 2017
  • Online Learning Consortium conference, New Orleans in April 2017
  • Presentation with Prof. Linda Ivey on our Japanese American history book, the 75th Anniversary of the Japanese American internment (Feb. 2017)
  • Program Committee Member, Quality Matters National Conference, Sept. 2017 (could not attend because Texas is a banned travel state)
  • 2106 Quality Matters National Conference Presentation
  • 2016 New Faculty Orientation Panel “Tips for Success”
  • April 2016 Sustainability High Impact Practice section
  • April 2016 Quality Online Learning and Teaching award Panel
  • 2015 Quality Online Learning and Teaching Awardee Panel Sept 2015 Panel Talk to the First Year Faculty, CSU East Bay
  • July 2015 “Quality Matters and Alignment,” at the Summer Institute, CSU East Bay
  • June 2015 Teaching With Tech Symposium, CSU East Bay April 2105 Quality Matters Conference, Seattle, WA
  • 2014 Back to the Bay poster session on the Quality Online Learning and Teaching Rubric, CSU East Bay
  • July 2014 The Summer Institute: Journey to Excellence in Online Teaching. I gave three talks/workshops at the Summer Institute and helped to organize it, CSU East Bay
  • June 2014 Teaching with Technology, poster session on my HIST 1014 course, Promising Course Redesign meeting, Los Angeles, CA
  • March 2014 Teaching with Technology Showcase (I spoke on The Mad Video and Aurasma), CSU East Bay

After Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

  • $15,488  CSU Student Success Network Equity in Action grant from the , July 2022-December 2023.  This grant will be used to reduce the Equity Gaps in CLASS/General Education.
  • $3500 Grant from CLASS to work on reducing the DFW/Equity Gaps in HIST 111 (2021-2022)
  • Visiting Scholar, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, 2018-2021


Before Tenure and Promotion:

  • Faculty Support Grant, 2017, with Prof. Linda Ivey
  • Quality Matters Grant, 2016
  • Quality Online Learning and Teaching Award for HIST 1014 (World Civ. I), 2015-2016
  • Quality Matters Program Committee Member, 2016-2017
  • Faculty in Residence, Oct. 2015-June 2016, Transforming Online Courses to Semesters
  • Quality Online Learning and Teaching Award for HIST1016 (World Civ. III), 2014-2105
  • Faculty in Residence, Sept. 2014-June 2015, Peer Evaluation of Online Teaching
  • Faculty Associate, Quality Assurance Program, Office of Faculty Development
  • June 2014-Sept. 2014, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, East Bay
  • Faculty Support Grant (along with Prof. Linda Ivey), “The Morrish Collection:Japanese Internment in WWII, July 2104-June 2015, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, East Bay
  • Summer Institutional Learning Outcome Stipend on Sustainability in Ancient Egypt, Summer 2014
  • Outstanding Honors Faculty by our students, May 2014
  • July 2013:  Redesign Course Grant, co-authored with Prof. Linda Ivey and Dr. Nancy Park ($30,000).  We will be redesigning the World History course sequence for online delivery. 
  • Honorary Associate to the Ancient History Documentary Resource Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney Australia (Fall 2010)
  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarship ($38,000), Macquarie University, (March 2000-July 2003).
  • Research Infrastructure Building Grant ($1,500), University of Sydney, Sept. 2004 with Prof. Iain Gardner, Head of Religious Studies at the University of Sydney.
  • Macquarie University Postgraduate Research Grant ($4,000.00), October 2001.
  • Society for the Study of Early Christianity travel grant to attend the American Academy of Religion meeting in November, 2003 ($500).
  • Graduated with Honors, University of Michigan, May 1995.

Berkeley Architectural Historical Association (BAHA), Board member.  I am co-chair of the Archive Committee.  We are digitizing some of their archives.  I will also help them build a digital walking tour of Berkeley.

Historic Resource Advisory Committee, Redwood City, Oct. 2020-May 2022 (termed out)

Archive Committee, Redwood City Public Library, 2013-2021

During my Associate Professorship:

2022 Outstanding References Sources List, for Linda Ivey and Kevin W. Kaatz, eds., Documents of Japanese American Internment:  Eyewitness to History.  Santa Barbara:  ABC-CLIO, 2020.  This award is given by the Collection Development and Evaluation Section (CODES) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of American Library Association.


Before receiving Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor:

2017 “Top Academic Title” awarded by Choice in 2017, for Linda Ivey and Kevin W. Kaatz, Citizen Internees:  A Second Look at Race and Citizenship in Japanese American Internment Camps.  Santa Barbara:  Praeger, 2017. Choice is a publishing unit of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association.


2017 “Top 20 Resource for Community Colleges” in 2017, for Linda Ivey and Kevin W. Kaatz, Citizen Internees:  A Second Look at Race and Citizenship in Japanese American Internment Camps.  Santa Barbara:  Praeger, 2017.  Choice is a publishing unit of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association.