Michael Moon Faculty Profile

Michael  Moon

Associate Professor

Department of Public Affairs & Administration

  • E-mail: michael.moon@csueastbay.edu
  • Office: MI 4127
  • Office Hours: http://tinyurl.com/PUADOfficeHr
  • Vitae: View my CV
  • Home Page:
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Professor Moon has consulted to public sector and arts organizations on community engagement and organizational values. He is the primary advisor and instructor for the Organizational Change Option in the MPA Program at ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ. Professor Moon’s research interests include bottom-up change, organizational values in arts and service organizations, common sense, and organizational role analysis. Professor Moon’s article titled, “Making sense of common sense for change management buy-in”, published in Management Decision (2009, vol. 47, issue 3), received a 2009 Highly Commended Award from the journal’s editors.

  • Ph.D., Columbia University
  • M.B.A., Yale University
  • B.A., UC Santa Cruz
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
PA 63101Mgmt HR Ethics in PATU6:30PM10:00PMWEB-SYNCH


  • Moon, M. (2008). Bottom-Up instigated organization change through constructionist conversation. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 9(4).
    • JKMP ranked in Top 10 knowledge management academic journals
  • Moon, M. Y. (2009). Making sense of common sense for change management buy-in. Management Decision, 47(3), 518-532.
    • Thomson Reuters (ISI) Social Sciences Citation Index IF: 0.622
    • Submissions accepted for publication: 20%

In Press:

  • Moon, M. Y. (2011). Conversations of mutual understanding: Deconstructing silos by visually representing organizational processes. In J. Marques, S. Dhiman, and J. Biberman (Eds.), Managing in the 21st Century: Transforming toward mutual growth. Hampshire, U.K.: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Completed Papers Submitted and “Under Review”:
  • Moon, M.Y. (under review). The rabble and reflexive bricoleur: Sensemaking, living stories, and emergent bottom-up organizational change. Organization Studies.
    • Thomson Reuters (ISI) Social Sciences Citation Index IF: 2.124 (Ranking: 27/112 in Management)
  • Moon, M.Y. (under review). Reflexively enhancing decisions. Management Decision.
    • Thomson Reuters (ISI) Social Sciences Citation Index IF: 0.622
    • Submissions accepted for publication: 20%
  • Moon, M.Y. & Pendleton, L. (under review). Reframing assessment of grantee perceptions: Re-considering effectiveness with broader international stakeholder engagement. The Foundation Review.
    • First peer reviewed journal of philanthropy
Other Accomplishments:
  • Conference contributions: 9th CSU Regional Symposium on University Teaching, 2009 EAM, CLASS Dean’s New Faculty Research Colloquium (2010)
  • Participant, Faculty Learning Community, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2010)
  • Peer Reviewer: The Foundation Review, TC Record, WAM 2010 Conference, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Routledge
  • “Highly Commended Award” for Management Decision paper, chosen by editorial team as one of the journal’s “most impressive articles of 2009”
  • Faculty Support Grant 2006-2007, CLASS 2006-2007 Faculty Fellow


  • Member, Faculty Support Services Advisory Committee (2009-2010)
  • Member, Faculty Hearing Committee (2009)
  • Interviewer, Student Fulbright Scholarship and International Programs screening committees
  • Al Fresco volunteer (2005-2009), Department Representation at 2006 University Commencement
  • Member, PUAD Department Committees, including MPA Admissions
  • Faculty Sponsor, MPA Alliance (student and alumni group)
  • MPA Graduate Coordinator (2010-2011)
  • Co-Facilitator, Community Forums on behalf of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors
  • Advisor, Community Service Learning Student Projects (2006-2010)
  • Presentations to visiting delegations of municipal managers from The People’s Republic of China (2006, 2007)