Mitchell Watnik Faculty Profile

Photo of Mitchell Watnik

Mitchell  Watnik

Professor and Associate Dean

Department of Statistics and Biostatistics

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: (510) 885-4130
  • Office: SA 4500
  • Vitae: View my CV
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  • BA Quantitative Economics and Desicion Sciences, UC San Diego
  • MS Statistics, UC Davis
  • PhD Statistics, UC Davis

Not teaching this semester.

Lim, Michele C., Roma P. Patel, Victor S. Lee, Patricia D. Weeks, Martha K. Barber, and Mitchell R. Watnik (2015). . Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 2015, Article ID 329819, 7 pages.

Watnik, Mitchell R., and Richard A. Levine (2012). Chance 25, 26-31.

Lim, Michele C., Mitchell R. Watnik, Katrina R. Imson, Scott M. Porter, and Alison M. Granier (2012). , Journal of Glaucoma, 2012(March 8).

Watnik, Mitchell R. (2011). , Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(4), 811-817.

Cahill, Thomas A., David E. Barnes, Earl Withycombe, and Mitchell Watnik (2011). . Aerosol Science and Technology, 45(9), 1135-1142.

Barrett, D.M., C. Weakley, J.V. Diaz, AND M. Watnik (2007). , Journal of Food Science, 72 (9), 441-451.

Lim, Michele, Diana R. Shiba, Ingrid J. Clark, Daniel Y. Kim, Douglas E. Styles, James D. Brandt, Mitchell R. Watnik, Isaac J. Barthelow (2007). , Journal of Glaucoma, 16(8), 649-654.

Watnik, Mitchell (2007). , Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 766-767.

Invernizzi P, Miozzo M, Oertelt-Prigione S, Meroni PL, Persani L, Selmi C, Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Lucchi S, Marasini B, Zeni S, Watnik M, Tabano S, Maitz S, Pasini S, Gershwin ME, Podda M. (2007). . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. (Sept.) 1110, 84- 91.

Cassady, Diana, Marilyn Townsend, Robert A. Bell, and Mitchell Watnik (2006). , International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 3:4.

Garcia, E, MR Watnik, and DM Barrett (2006). , Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 30, 46-55.

Hackman, RM, PJ Havel, HJ Schwartz, JC Rutledge, MR Watnik, EM Noceti, SJ Stohs, JS Stern and CL Keen (2006). , International Journal of Obesity, 30(10), 1545-56.

Gershwin, ME, Selmi C, Worman HJ, Gold EB, Watnik M, Utts J, Lindor KG, Kaplan MM, Vierling JM, USA PBC Epidemiology Group (2005). Hepatology, 42(5), 1194-1202.

Invernizzi, P, Miozzo M, Selmi C, Persani L, Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Lucchi S, Meroni PL, Marasini B, Zeni S, Watnik M, Grati FR, Simoni G, Gershwin ME, Podda M (2005). Journal of Immunology, 175(1), 575-8.

Sebat F, Johnson D, Musthafa AA, Watnik M, Moore S, Henry K, Saari M. (2005). Chest, 127(5), 1729-43.

Kimura Y, Selmi C, Leung PS, Mao TK, Schauer J, Watnik M, Kuriyama S, Nishioka M, Ansari AA, Coppel RL, Invernizzi P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. (2005). Hepatology, 41(1), 55-63.

Invernizzi P, Miozzo M, Battezzati PM, Bianchi I, Grati FR, Simoni G, Selmi C, Watnik M, Gershwin ME, Podda M. (2004). Lancet, 363, 533-535.

Spies MA, Woodward JJ, Watnik MR, and Toney MD. (2004). Alanine Racemase Free Energy Profiles from Global Analyses of Progress Curves. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, 7464-7475.

Benson GD, Kikuchi K, Miyakawa H, Tanaka A, Watnik MR, Gershwin ME. (2004). . Clinical and Developmental Immunology, 11, 129-133.

Baumgarth N, Szubin R, Dolganov GM, Watnik MR, Greenspan D, Da Costa M, Palefsky JM, Jordan R, Roederer M, Greenspan JS. (2004). . American Journal of Pathology, 165, 707-718.

Ziboh, VA; Naguwa, S; Vang, K; Wineinger, J; Morrissey, BM; Watnik, M; and Gershwin, ME (2004). . Clinical and Developmental Immunology 11, 13-21.

Grow, MP; Singh, A; Fleming, NW; Young, N; and Watnik, M (2004). . Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 18, 43-46.

Siekmann, JH; Allen, LH; Watnik, MR; Nestel, P; Neumann, CG; Shoenfeld, Y; Peter, JB; Patnaik, M; Ansari, AA; Coppel, RL; and Gershwin, ME (2003). . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 77, 242-249.

Watnik, Mitchell, and Wesley Johnson (2002). . Sankhya Ser. A, 64, pt. 1, pp. 109-138.

Cassady, Diana, Jennifer Culp, and Mitchell Watnik (2002). . Social Marketing Quarterly, 8, pp. 53-62.

Castillo, Alesha B., Alice F. Tarantal, Mitchell R. Watnik and R. Bruce Martin (2002). Tenofovir treatment at 30 mg/kg/day can inhibit cortical bone mineralization in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Orthopaedic Research 20, pp. 1185-1189.

Watnik, Mitchell R., and Richard A. Levine (2001). . Journal of Statistics Education 9 no. 3.

Watnik, Mitchell, Wesley Johnson, and Edward J. Bedrick (2001). . Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 30 no. 1, pp. 1-20.

Moran, RE; Southwick, SM; Watnik, M. (2001). Response of secondary bloom of 'Bartlett' pear (Pyrus communis L.) to pruning. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 76 no. 1. pp. 88-92.

Watnik, Mitchell R. (1998). , Journal of Statistics Education 6 no. 2.

Watnik, Mitchell R. and Wesley O. Johnson (1998). The Behavior of Non-Nested Linear Model Selection Tests Under the Alternative Hypothesis. 1997 Proceedings of the Business and Economics Statistics Section, pp. 195-199, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

Samaniego, F. J. and M. R. Watnik (1997). Journal of Statistics Education 5 no. 3.

Kussmaul, Clif, Jason Dunn, Mitchell Watnik and Michael Bagley (1996). Using Technology in Education: When and Why, Not How. College Teaching 44, 123-126.

1999 Recipient of the UMR Management Systems Student Organization Award for Outstanding Faculty Member.

1996 Recipient of the UC Davis Teaching Award for Outstanding Graduate Students.

Member of the American Statistical Association.

1991 Bachelor's degree with Departmental Distinction from UC San Diego.

1990-1991 Provost's Honors List (3 times) at UC San Diego

Associate Editor of The American Statistician, 2012-present.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to, and Chair of, the Committee on Instruction and Curriculum, 2014-present.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to, and Secretary of, the General Education Subcommittee, 2013-present.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to, and Chair of, the University Administrative Review Committee, 2012-present.

Member, Academic Senate Executive Committee 2011-present.

Representative of CIC to Semester Conversion Steering Committee, 2015-present.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to the Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Subcommittee, 2014-2015.

Faculty Representative to the ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ WASC Steering Committee, 2012- 2015.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ At-large Academic Senator 2010-2014.

Chair of Academic Senate 2012-2014.

Chair of Information Technology Advisory Committee, 2012-2014.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to the Faculty Affairs Committee Fall, 2012 and Spring, 2013.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to the Search Committee for Vice President of Administration and Finance/CFO 2011-2012.

Chair, Review Committee for Director of Office of Faculty and Professional Development 2011.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to the Faculty Affairs Committee Spring, 2011.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to the Committee on Instruction and Curriculum 2007-2009.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Representative to the Faculty Support Services Advisory Committee 2008-2009.

Organizer for the Symposium on Statistics and Operations Research in Baseball, July 11, 2007.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Academic Senate Representative 2005-2009.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ College of Science Curriculum Committee member 2005-2007.

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Department of Statistics Hiring Committee member (2 committees) 2006, Hiring Committee Chair 2007.

Referee for: Journal of the American Statistical Association, Modeling and Prediction: Honoring Seymour Geisser, Journal of Forecasting, American Statistician, Journal of Statistics Education, Communications in Statistics.

UMR College of Arts and Science Curriculum Committee member 1997-1999.

ASA Chapter Representative for Mid-Missouri Chapter, 1998.

Founding Webmaster for UCD Division of Statistics, 1994-1996.

Maintain Amstat Online's "List of Graduate Programs in Statistics", 1993-present.

Faculty Advisor to the UMR Racquetball Club, 1996-1999.