Research and Reports


Peer-Reviewed Papers

Ingraham, N., Guzzardo, M.T., Gamba, R., Moore, M., Engelman, A., Khosla, N., Adams, A.L., Bussmann, J.D., Kashinath, S., Jones-Bay, A., Toosi, N.R., and Taylor, S. (2024).  The Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, 9(1).

Guzzardo, M., Khosla, N., Adams, A.L., Bussmann, J., Engelman, A., Ingraham, N., Gamba, R., Jones-Bey, A., Moore, M., Toosi, N., & Taylor, S. (2020). . Innovative Higher Education.

Khosla, N., Gamba, R., Taylor, S., Adediji, L., Bovey, J., Engelman, A., Jones-Bey, A., Kwan Lan, T., Vo, H., Washington, V., & Inch, E. (2019). . Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 29(1), 3-15.

Please check back - additional papers are in progress and under review.


Adams, L., Bussmann, J., Engelman, A., & Taylor, S. (2021, November). Listening to our students: Supporting student success through Learning Framework faculty resources. Faculty development workshop.

Khosla, N., Engelman, A., & Taylor, S. (2020, March). How do we level the playing field for students with disabilities in higher education? Sixty-minute breakout session at the Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, HI.

Ingraham, N., Woods, D., Jones-Bey, A., Gamba, R., Guzzardo, M., Khosla, N., Engelman, A., Scharberg, M., Taylor, S., & Inch, E. (2019, November). Supporting students with complex and overlapping challenges through a mixed methods learning collaborative. Oral presentation delivered by N. Ingraham in the symposium on Academics Promoting Social Justice with and for Students at the National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Taylor, S., Inch, E., Jones-Bey, A., Adediji, L., Bovey, J., Engelman, A., Gamba, R., Khosla, N., Kwan Lan, T., Bergeron, S., Lindfors, A., Ingram, D., Scharberg, M. Bananas and apples: Student strategies for coping with basic needs challenges in the SF Bay Area.(2019, October). Oral presentation in the panel, Basic needs in a statewide university system: Meeting students where they are at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO.  

Taylor, S., Adams, L., Adediji, L., Bussmann, J., Engelman, A., Gamba, R., Guzzardo, M., Moore, M., Ingraham, N., Jones-Bey, A., Kashinath, S., Khosla, N., McClain, Z., & Toosi, N. (2019, August). Supporting faculty to support our students: Tools for balancing empathy and rigor. Presentation at ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Back to the Bay.

Taylor, S., Khosla, N., Gamba, R., Adediji, L., Bergeron, S.*, Bovey, J.*, Engelman, Ingram, D., Jones-Bey, A., Kwan Lan, T., Lindfors, A., Scharberg, M., & Inch, E. (2019, July). Goal attainment in college students. Oral presentation at the International Conference for Social Development, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Note: grant funds were not used for international travel.)

Taylor, S., Kashinath, S., Khosla, N., Gamba, R., Brown, C., Engleman, A., Adediji, L., Bovey, J., Kwan Lan, T., Lindfors, A., Bergeron, S., Ingram, D., Jones-Bey, A., Scharberg, M., & Inch, E. (2019, March). Going to college with a disability: Building on strengths and addressing challenges to support student success. Two-hour breakout session at the Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, HI.

Taylor, S., Khosla, N., Gamba, R., Bergeron, S., Bovey, J., Kwan Lan, T., Engelman, A., Adediji, L., Lindfors, A., Ingram, D., Jones-Bey, A., Scharberg, M., & Inch, E. (2019, March). Enhancing strengths and addressing challenges to support student success. Fifty-minute oral presentation at the Annual ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Symposium on Teaching and Learning, Fresno State University.

Taylor, S., Jones-Bey, A., Gamba, R., Khosla, N., Bovey, J., Ingram, D., Engelman, A., & Kwan Lan, T., & Inch, E. (2018, August). I’m barely just hanging in: Who our students are and how to support them. Keynote presentation at ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Back to the Bay.



Student Housing Brief

Two-page overview of student housing needs and a proposed tiny home village project

Final Project Report 

Read the final report from Fall 2019, including discussion of the mentoring project and Faculty Learning Community; project continued through a no-cost extension and generous transition grant.

Advising Brief 

Two-page summary of findings on student experiences of advising on our campus.

Mentoring Intervention Brief 

Learn more about our second year mentoring intervention. 

Lessons Learned 2018

A recap of what the Learning Framework team learned in Year 1. 

Project Brief

Brief overview of the project.

Student Success Hackathon

The Student Success Hackathon took place in June 2018. Two identical sessions were held, and both were open to the entire campus community. Preliminary findings from year 1 and possible interventions for year 2 were discussed.

Week of Scholarship 2018

The Learning Framework Research Assistants participated in the Week of Scholarship and created this poster.

Strategy Sessions

The Strategy Sessions took place in November 2017 and were open to the entire campus community. Participants were invited to brainstorm about barriers and facilitators of student success. The strategy sessions informed the project design and logic model.