
Composition/Music Production Juries

Relevant to: All Music majors taking applied lessons in composition / Music Production
Composition / Music Production students have a separate jury/recital procedure than vocalist and instrumentalist. At the end of every semester, students meet with the composition faculty to review their portfolio. The work done throughout the semester, and the overall contents of the portfolio will determine retention and advancement within the program. Detailed information about the contents of the portfolio can be found .

Instrumental / Vocal Juries

Relevant to: All Music majors taking applied lessons in an instrument or voice

Students enrolled in instrumental or vocal Applied Lessons perform a Progress or Advancement Jury at the end of each semester.

There are three types of Juries:

  1. Progress Juries (a-levels) - Scheduled during finals week; students register through an online form sent out to their ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ emails.
  2. Advancement Juries (b-levels) - Scheduled during finals week; students register through an online form sent out to their ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ emails.
  3. Degree Recital Juries (Levels 3b and 4b specifically). Considered Advancement Juries with additional requirements.
    1. Scheduled much earlier in the semester:
      1. Junior Recital Jury dates will be scheduled as part of the Recital Class (MUS 380) during the Fall Semester. Students wishing to schedule a Junior Recital Jury while not enrolled in the Recital Class need to contact the Music Recource Center prior to the end of the add/drop period of the previous semester.
      2. Senior Recital Jury dates must be scheduled by the student and the Music Recource Center prior to the end of the add/drop period of the previous semester.
    2. Programs: For information on the printed / digital recital programs required for Junior and Senior Recital Juries, visit the Music Resource Center homepage.
    3. Accompaniment: any works which require accompaniment or collaborating musicians MUST be performed with these musicians present at your jury.

Jury Requirements by Area

Classical Woodwinds / Brass

Level 1a Progress Jury
  • Prepare all major scales with flats (C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb), one chromatic scale, and perform a few scales chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. One selection may be an etude.
  • The pieces must total 3-5 minutes of music.
 Level 1b Advancement Jury to Level 2
  • Prepare all major scales with flats (C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb) and all major scales with sharps (G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#), one chromatic scale, and perform a few chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform three contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. Two substantial movements from a longer piece can be substituted but a third selection by a different composer is required.
Level 2a Progress Jury
  • Prepare all major scales with flats (C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb), all major scales with sharps (G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#), and all natural, melodic and harmonic minor scales, one chromatic scale, and perform a few chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. One selection may be an etude.
  • The pieces must total 3-5 minutes of music.
 Level 2b Advancement Jury to Level 3
  • Prepare all major scales with flats (C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb), all major scales with sharps (G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#), and all natural, melodic and harmonic minor scales, all augmented and diminished scales, one chromatic scale, and perform a few chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform four contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. Two or three substantial movements from a longer piece can be substituted but one more selection by a different composer is required.
 Level 3a Progress Jury
  • Prepare and perform either an orchestral excerpt OR an etude/technique piece by memory.
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, or two substantial movements from the same work, which have never been performed for a jury.
  • The pieces must total 5-7 minutes of music.
 Level 3b Junior Degree Recital Jury (& Advancement to Level 4)
  • Perform three to five pieces, for a minimum of twenty-five (25) minutes of music.
  • One piece must be a multi-movement piece.
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.
  • Pieces should be accompanied by a pianist (maximum of one unaccompanied piece unless approved by the applied instructor)
 Level 4a Progress Jury
  • Prepare and perform either an orchestral excerpt OR an etude/technique piece by memory.
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, or two substantial movements from the same work, which have never been performed for a jury.
  • The pieces must total 5-7 minutes of music.
 Level 4b Senior Degree Recital Jury
  • Perform four to six pieces, totaling between thirty (30) and forty-five (45) minutes of music.
  • Two pieces should be multi-movement pieces.
  • At least one piece must be a chamber piece (duet, trio, quartet, or quintet, etc with other performers)
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.
  • Pieces should be accompanied by a pianist (maximum of one unaccompanied piece, unless approved by the applied instructor)

PLEASE NOTE: accompanists are not required for progress juries but are required for recital juries.

Classical Percussion

Level 1a Progress Jury

  • Prepare rudiments and rolls on Snare Drum (review Whaley, Musical Studies for the Intermediate Snare Drummer, p. 20 and on)
  • Prepare rolls, tuning, and dynamics on Timpani
  • Prepare all major scales and perform two chosen by the faculty jury on Mallets. 
  • Perform a Mallet solo from Whaley, primary handbook 
  • Perform sight reading on Snare Drum, Mallets and Timpani
  • All pieces should have never been performed for a jury.

 Level 1b Advancement Jury to Level 2

  • Perform one Snare drum study such as Cirone, Portraits in Rhythm #3 
  • Perform one Timpani piece such as Goodman Modern Method for Timpani #27
  • Perform one Mallet study such as Whaley Primary Handbook for Mallets #21
  • Prepare all major scales with flats (C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb) and all major scales with sharps (G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#) and perform a few chosen by the faculty jury.
  • All pieces should have never been performed for a jury.

Level 2a Progress Jury

  • Perform one Snare Drum piece from Cirone, Portraits in Rhythm 
  • Perform one Timpani piece such as Goodman Modern Method for Timpani #27
  • Prepare all minor scales on mallets and perform two chosen by the faculty jury
  • Perform one Mallet study such as Whaley Primary Handbook for Mallets #21
  • All pieces should have never been performed for a jury.

 Level 2b Advancement Jury to Level 3

  • Perform one multiple percussion piece (such as Bruce Smith: Five One) 
  • Perform one beginning four mallet study (from Mark Ford Marimba Technique Through Music: Oakland)
  • Perform one piece on Vibraphone (such as Friedman Vibraphone Technique #11)
  • Perform one Timpani piece (such as Goodman #72)
  • Prepare to perform sight reading on Snare Drum, Mallets and Timpani
  • All pieces should have never been performed for a jury.

 Level 3a Progress Jury

  • Prepare two orchestral excerpts and perform two chosen by the faculty jury (for example: Timpani: Excerpts from Beethoven Sym. # 5, 7, 9, Mallets: Gershwin Porgy and Bess, and Snare: Rimsky Korsakov Scheherezade)
  • Perform one Snare Drum piece OR one Multiple Percussion piece
  • Perform a four mallet solo on Marimba or Vibraphone by memory
  • Perform a Timpani solo (such as Peters, Carroll, etc)
  • All pieces should have never been performed for a jury.

 Level 3b Junior Degree Recital Jury (& Advancement to Level 4)

  • Perform three to five pieces, for a minimum of twenty-five (25) minutes of music.
  • One piece must be a multi-movement piece.
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.
  • At least one piece should be with another musician(s)
    • Perform a Multiple Percussion solo
    • Perform a Timpani solo (such as Beck Sonata)
    • Perform a Mallet solo (such as Bach Prelude from Cello Suite #1)

 Level 4a Progress Jury

  • Perform three contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. These pieces can be selected from the Senior Recital. 
  • The pieces must total 5-7 minutes of music.

 Level 4b Senior Degree Recital Jury

  • Perform four to six pieces, totaling between thirty (30) and forty-five (45) minutes of music.
  • Two pieces should be multi-movement pieces.
  • At least one piece must be a chamber piece (duet, trio, quartet, or quintet, etc with other performers)
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.
  • Perform at least one Multiple Percussion solo (such as Hollinden: Cold Pressed)
  • Perform at least one Mallet solo (such as Rosauro: Concerto for Marimba)
  • Perform at least one Timpani solo (such as Carter, Kirk Gay)

PLEASE NOTE: accompanists are not required for progress juries but are required for recital juries.

Classical Strings

Level 1a Progress Jury

  • Prepare all major scales with sharps and their arpeggios (C, G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#) and perform two scales/arpeggios chosen by the faculty jury. 
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. One selection may be an etude.
  • The pieces must total 3-5 minutes of music.

 Level 1b Advancement Jury to Level 2

  • Prepare all major scales with sharps and their arpeggios (C, G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#) and all major scales with flats and their arpeggios (F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb) and perform two scales/arpeggios chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform three contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. Two substantial movements from a longer piece can be substituted but a third selection by a different composer is required.

Level 2a Progress Jury

  • Prepare all major scales with sharps and their arpeggios (C, G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#) and all major scales with flats and their arpeggios (F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb) and all natural, melodic and harmonic minor scales with their arpeggios, and perform two scales/arpeggios chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. One selection may be an etude.
  • The pieces must total 3-5 minutes of music.

 Level 2b Advancement Jury to Level 3

  • Prepare all major scales with sharps and their arpeggios (C, G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#) and all major scales with flats and their arpeggios (F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb) and all natural, melodic and harmonic minor scales with their arpeggios, and perform one major scale/arpeggio with flats, one major scale/arpeggio with sharps, one natural minor, one melodic minor and one harmonic minor scale/arpeggio, one augmented scale/arpeggio and one diminished scale/arpeggio chosen by faculty jury.
  • Perform four contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. Two or three substantial movements from a longer piece can be substituted but one more selection by a different composer is required.

 Level 3a Progress Jury

  • Prepare two orchestral excerpts by memory and perform one chosen by the faculty jury OR prepare two etudes/technique pieces by memory and perform one chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, or two substantial movements from the same work, which have never been performed for a jury. The pieces must total 5-7 minutes of music.

 Level 3b Junior Degree Recital Jury (& Advancement to Level 4)

  • Perform three to five pieces, for a minimum of twenty-five (25) minutes of music.
  • One piece must be a multi-movement piece.
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.
  • Pieces should be accompanied by a pianist (maximum of one unaccompanied piece unless approved by the applied instructor)

 Level 4a Progress Jury

  • Prepare two orchestral excerpts by memory and perform one chosen by the faculty jury OR prepare two etudes/technique pieces by memory and perform one chosen by the faculty jury.
  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, or two substantial movements from the same work, which have never been performed for a jury. The pieces must total 5-7 minutes of music.

 Level 4b Senior Degree Recital Jury

  • Perform four to six pieces, totaling between thirty (30) and forty-five (45) minutes of music.
  • Two pieces should be multi-movement pieces.
  • At least one piece must be a chamber piece (duet, trio, quartet, or quintet with other performers)
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.
  • Pieces should be accompanied by a pianist (maximum of one unaccompanied piece, unless approved by the applied instructor)

PLEASE NOTE: accompanists are not required for progress juries but are required for recital juries.

Acoustic Guitar

Level 1a Progress Jury

  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. One selection may be an etude.
  • The pieces must total 3-5 minutes of music.

 Level 1b Advancement Jury to Level 2

  • Perform three contrasting pieces by at least three different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. Two substantial movements from a longer piece can be substituted but a third selection by a different composer is required.

Level 2a Progress Jury

  • Perform three contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. One selection may be an etude.
  • The pieces must total 5-7 minutes of music.

 Level 2b Advancement Jury to Level 3

  • Perform four contrasting pieces by different composers, which have never been performed for a jury. Two or three substantial movements from a longer piece can be substituted but one more selection by a different composer is required.
  • The pieces must total 7-10 minutes of music.

 Level 3a Progress Jury

  • Perform two to three contrasting pieces by different composers, or two substantial movements from the same work, which have never been performed for a jury. The pieces must total 7-10 minutes of music.

 Level 3b Junior Degree Recital Jury (& Advancement to Level 4)

  • Perform four to five pieces, for a minimum of twenty-five (25) minutes of music.
  • One piece must be a multi-movement piece.
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.

 Level 4a Progress Jury

  • Perform two contrasting pieces by different composers, or two substantial movements from the same work, which have never been performed for a jury. The pieces must total 10-12 minutes of music.

 Level 4b Senior Degree Recital Jury

  • Perform four to six pieces, totaling between thirty (30) and forty-five (45) minutes of music.
  • Two pieces should be multi-movement pieces.
  • At least one piece must be a chamber piece (duet, trio, quartet, or quintet with other performers)
  • Pieces should represent a variety of composers, eras and styles.

Classical Voice

All Progress Juries

  • Students will prepare two (2) selections which have never been performed for a jury and the faculty will choose to hear one of them. 

 Level 1b Advancement Jury to Level 2

  • Three (3) memorized selections, which have never been performed for a jury.
  • One of the three selections must be in a language other than English.
  • One selection must be self-learned and assigned by the instructor.

 Level 2b Advancement Jury to Level 3

  • Four (4) memorized selections, which have never been performed for a jury.
  • Two of the selections must be in a language other than English.
  • Two style periods should be represented (Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Contemporary (20th and 21st Century)).
  • One selection must be an aria.
  • One selection must be self-learned and assigned by the instructor.
  • A Musicianship Exam must be passed before the completion of the 2nd semester of study at Level 2. The Exam is typically administered at the end of the first semester of study at Level 2.

 Level 3b Junior Degree Recital Jury (& Advancement to Level 4)

  • Six (6) memorized selections, minimum (25 minutes max).
  • Three different languages must be represented.
  • Three style periods should be represented (Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Contemporary (20th and 21st Century)).
  • One selection must be an aria.

 Level 4b Senior Degree Recital Jury

  • Eight (8) memorized selections, minimum (50 minutes max).
  • Four different languages must be represented.
  • Ideally, all style periods should be represented (Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Contemporary (20th and 21st Century)).
  • One selection must be an advanced aria.

Classical Piano

All Progress Juries

  • Three (3) selections from three different composers for a total of 15 minutes
  • At least ONE selection must be memorized
  • Individual movements are permissible, but a student may not repeat the same selections on consecutive juries (fall/spring)

 Level 1b Advancement Jury to Level 2

  • A Minimum of three (3) selections from three style periods
  • Must include at least one contrapuntal Baroque piece (Invention, Sinfonia)
  • Minimum of one piece must be memorized

 Level 2b Advancement Jury to Level 3

  • A minimum of three (3) selections from three style periods
  • Must include a contrapuntal Baroque piece
  • Must include a sonata-allegro movement of a Classical sonata
  • Minimum of two pieces must be memorized

 Level 3b Junior Degree Recital Jury (& Advancement to Level 4)

  • Four (4) style periods should be represented (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Contemporary — 20th/21st century)
  • Must include at least two movements (fast/slow) of a Classical sonata
  • A minimum of three pieces must be memorized

 Level 4b Senior Degree Recital Jury

  • Four selections from four style periods
  • Baroque selection must be a WTC Prelude and Fugue or four movements of a suite (Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue)
  • Must include a complete Classical Sonata (all movements)
  • All pieces must be memorized with exceptions for complex 20th/21st repertoire

Jazz (All Instruments)

All Progress Juries (Levels 1-4a & 6a-c)

  • Perform two (2) scales, chosen by the faculty jury, from the list of scales appropriate to the student’s level. 
  • Prepare a transcription, unaccompanied.
  • Students will prepare at least two (2) selections which have never been performed for a jury. Play melody and solo over form. Drums do the same, and trade fours.

 Level 1b Advancement Jury to Level 2

  • Perform two (2) scales, chosen by the faculty jury, from the list of scales appropriate to the student’s level. Drummers play styles and various tempos. Must include trading fours.
  • One (1) transcription played with recording
  • About 3-5 minutes of music.  Play melody and improvise on a Great American Songbook standard or a Jazz Standard.  Drummers will play melody and improvise over form.

 Level 2b Advancement Jury to Level 3

  • Perform two (2) scales, chosen by the faculty jury, from the list of scales appropriate to the student’s level.
  • One (1) transcription played with recording
  • Two (2) contrasting pieces or movements of about 4-5 minutes each.  Play melody and improvise on a Great American Songbook standard and a Jazz Standard.  Drummers will play melody and improvise over form on two contrasting tunes and styles.

 Level 3b Junior Degree Recital Jury (& Advancement to Level 4)

Students will play 5 tunes.  All tunes must be memorized. All tunes should be arranged with at least intros, outros, and endings.  The following are strict guidelines:

  • A bop style tune with ‘difficult’ melody such as Donna Lee, Anthropology, Conception.  Drummers play melody on set and trade 4s with band.
  • Either Moments Notice or Giant Steps by John Coltrane.  Drummers solo over form.
  • A standard commiserate with a college level junior.  Drummers- this tune should be a latin song, with solo intro either in or out of time, but leading the band in without a count off.
  • A standard arranged in an odd time.
  • An original tune

 Level 4b Senior Degree Recital Jury

Students will play 7 tunes.  All tunes must be memorized.  All tunes should be arranged with at least intros, outros, and endings. The following are strict guidelines:

  • A boppish tune with ‘difficult’ melody such as Donna Lee, Anthropology, Conception.  Student may not play the same tune as level 3 recital.  Drummers play melody on set and trade 4s with band.
  • Either Giant Steps, 26-2, or Countdown, by John Coltrane.  Drummers solo over form.
  • Two standards commensurate with a college level senior.  One of these standards is to be a latin tune. Drummers have at least one very up tune and one latin tune.
  • A standard arranged in an odd time.
  • An original tune
  • Student’s choice

Jazz Graduate Recital (Level 6d)

Students must show competence in jazz following the bebop aesthetic. This includes among other things the ability to swing, the ability to place chord tones on metrically strong beats, connect chord tones and ideas with diatonic and chromatic passing tones, emphasize upper structures, use good bop voice leading with enclosures, and use altered sounds.

Students will play 7 tunes. All tunes must be memorized. All tunes should be arranged with at least intros, outros, and endings. The following are strict guidelines:

  • An original contrafact in the style of Donna Lee, Anthropology, Conception. Head should be technically virtuosic and okayed by the professor. Drummers play melody on set and trade 4s with band.
  • Countdown, by John Coltrane. 250-300bpm Drummers solo over form.
  • Two standards commensurate with a Master’s level. One of these standards is to be a latin tune. Drummers have at least one very up tune and one latin tune.
  • A standard arranged in an odd time.
  • An original tune of any style and form.
  • An unaccompanied piece.

Generally what we’re looking for:

  • Nice tone characteristic of jazz, modeled after the great musicians in jazz history.
  • Strong time and feel.  Use of accents and ghosting to create a strong swing feel.
  • A nice balance of language, scales, and transcription ideas to hit the chord changes and harmony.  Playing changes means within the notes you select the harmony is clear.  

Note:  Make a distinction between improvisation, which is making up whatever you want, and jazz improvisation, which is speaking a language with the appropriate accent, which is called swing, and using words and phrases recognized as jazz.

Jury Outcomes & Semester Grades

Progress Juries (a-levels)

Students perform a Progress Jury during finals week each semester in which they are not performing an Advancement Jury, generally at the end of the 1st semester of each level.

Advancement Juries (b-levels)

Students perform an Advancement Jury during finals week at the completion of Level 1b (Advancement to Level 2) and at the completion of Level 2b (Advancement to Level 3).

The Advancement Jury from Level 3 to Level 4 can take the form of either an Advancement Jury at the end of Level 3b or a Junior Recital Jury. Students who wish to continue to Level 4 must successfully perform a Junior Recital Jury.

Senior Recital Juries serve as a program culmination at the conclusion of Level 4b, pending completion of the Senior Recital.

Discontinued Status

Students who fail two (2) juries in a row will be automatically discontinued from applied study. They may work privately and will be given the opportunity to perform another jury at the end of the following semester, but won't be able to register for lessons until they succesfully pass.