SCAA Policies

The SCAA’s policies are in place to ensure that we serve our community efficiently, effectively, and in a manner that abides by . Our policies include, but are not limited to:


Expectations for All Students:


Student Preparation

  • Bring materials from class (syllabus, textbooks, notes, assignment description, etc.)
  • Identify your problems or questions. Be able to explain how you want the SCAA tutor to help you
  • Have a particular goal or objective for each session


  • Check your email and telephone messages regularly for updates from SCAA
  • Update the SCAA if your contact information (phone, e-mail) changes
  • Communicate with the SCAA if you know you’re going to miss an appointment

Active Engagement

  • Participate actively and respectfully
  • Be focused; avoid distractions (please, no cell phone use or texting)
  • Tutors will not help with take home exams nor edit, proofread, or do your homework for you


  • Be on time
  • Log in at the student computer at the reception desk at the start of each session and log out at the end of every session. You’ll be given the opportunity to provide feedback on your session


All Programs:


1. Homework and Exam Policies

To abide by ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ’s Academic Dishonesty Policies (see link above), SCAA tutors cannot directly work on student homework or “[prepare] a written answer to an exam question outside of class” (1.1.5).

2. Non-Coursework Material

SCAA Tutors, Writing Associates (WAs), and Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders can only work with students on writing assignments and problems associated with a specific course. To participate in sessions associated with course embedded programs, such as the WA Program or the SI Program, you must be a part of a course with a WA or an SI Leader. The SCAA does not provide assistance for external exams (GMAT, LSAT, etc.) or non-coursework writing such as resumes, scholarship applications, etc.

3. Student Loss of SCAA Usage

The SCAA reserves the right to reschedule appointments. Students may be denied use of SCAA’s programming if the student acts in an inappropriate fashion that makes SCAA employees feel uncomfortable.


Peer Tutoring:


1. Appointments

The SCAA offers one-hour appointments in all subjects. Appointments can be as soon as 24 hours in advance. You are allowed to have one appointment per subject at a time.

2. Max Writing Appointments Per Day

Due to demand and our emphasis on self-efficacy in writing, we allow only one hour of tutoring per day in writing (one appointment).

3. Cancellation of an Appointment Session

If you need to cancel an appointment, you will need to contact the SCAA before your appointment. You are permitted only 3 cancellations during the semester. If you cancel a fourth time, you will be blocked from setting up future appointments.

4. No Shows for Appointments

If you fail to show up for an appointment without notifying the SCAA, it is considered a “no-show.” Students are permitted three no-shows during the semester. If you no-show a fourth time, you will be blocked from setting up future appointments.

5. Blocked Appointments

If you are blocked from appointments, you may still use our drop-in or table tutoring system. Additionally, you can request that the SCAA Director review your blocked appointments by reaching out to

6. Late Arrivals

Tutors will wait for you up to 10 minutes, after which they may take another student. Students are automatically marked as a no-show 10 minutes into the scheduled appointment start time.

7. Number of Appointments

You may have one appointment per subject at a time. Once you complete your appointment, you may sign up for another appointment.

8. Accommodations

If you are a student seeking tutoring accommodations, please reach out to the SCAA Director at and/or your Accessibility Counselor. Accommodation requests are typically reviewed in collaboration with Accessibility Services. Please allow at least a week for us to process your accommodation request.