SEAS Center Resources

Community Room 

Students are allowed to come into the space hang out, have study groups, take a nap, do homework, and just relax. 

Loaner Library 

This is a service available to SEAS students who are eligible (must meet with a counselor first) to allow them to check out books for the Semester with no charge and return it at the end of the semester.


SEAS Mental Health Counselor


Dahlia Case, the Counselor in SEAS, is dedicated to supporting low income, first generation, historically underrepresented and underserved student populations. SEAS students can receive brief individual and couples therapy, as well as a variety of counseling groups that meet throughout the week. All of these services are covered by the health fee paid at registration each semester. Counseling sessions are confidential, and held in-person in the Student & Faculty Support (SF) building or via Zoom.