CR Document Archive

Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Formation of a Research Strategic Plan Subcommittee to implement campus strategic plan, and develop recommendations for RSCA structure on campus 10/3/23 10/10/23 N/A
Request for Formation of Joint Subcommittee on Centers and Institutes via email N/A N/A
Revised CR Policy and Procedures 10/17/23 N/A N/A
Resolution to Reconsider and Reduce or Eliminate Cuts to Spring 2024 Schedule via email 10/24/23
[BEC 13]
Updates to the Policy on Faculty RSCA Grants 10/31/23 11/7/23 11/28/23
Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Support Grant (RSG) Program Call for Proposals 10/31/23 11/7/23 11/28/23
Formation of a RSCA Support Grant (RSG) Subcommittee 11/14/23 1/24/24 N/A
Updates to the Policy and Procedures for Organization and Administration of Centers and Institutes via email
Proposal for the Re-charter of the Center for Student Research (CSR) 2/27/24
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Request for Formation of Joint Subcommittee on Centers and Institutes 9/6/22 N/A N/A
Formation of a Research Strategic Plan Task Force to implement campus strategic plan, and CR’s Student Research Strategic Plan in regards to student and faculty RSCA activities 9/6/22 N/A N/A
Policies and Procedures of Joint Subcommittee on Intellectual Property () 9/6/22 N/A N/A
Annual Reports of the IRB and IACUC via email N/A N/A
Annual Appointment of IRB Members via email N/A N/A
Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA) Grant Program Call for Proposals 10/18/22 10/24/22 11/9/22
Procedures for Request and Approval of the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) on ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ East Bay (ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ) Campuses or on behalf of ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ via email 11/29/22 12/14/22
Request Formation of a RSCA Support Grant (RSG) Committee to review 23-24 RSG Proposals N/A N/A
22-23 CR 9
22-23 CR 10
22-23 CR 11
22-23 CR 12
22-23 CR 13
Charter Proposal for Galindo Creek 9/26/23
22-23 CR 15
Renewal of STEM Education Institute Charter 9/26/23
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Annual Reports of the IRB and IACUC 9/7/21 9/14/21 N/A
Annual Appointment of IRB Members 9/7/21 N/A N/A
Annual Appointment of IACUC Members 9/7/21 N/A N/A
Determination on Enforceability of the Patent Policy (94-95 CR 1/FAC 7) N/A N/A N/A
Formation of Joint Subcommittee on Intellectual Property 10/5/21 N/A N/A
Annual Appointment of RSP Subcommittee Members 10/5/21 N/A N/A
Request for Formation of Joint Subcommittee on Centers and Institutes 11/2/21 N/A N/A
Re-Charter Proposal for College Center—The Smith Center for Private Enterprise 2/1/22
Policy on Faculty RSCA Grants
Principal Investigator Policy
22-23 RSCA Support Grant CFP
22-23 RSCA Support Grant Invitation to Review
Charter Proposal for New University Center—Center for Disability Justice Research: Health Equity, Education, and Creativity
Charter Proposal for New University Center—Forensic Science Research Center
Committee on Research (CR) Policies and Procedures
21-22 Annual Assessment Report of the Student Research Strategic Plan
Ranking of Proposals and Recommendations for Funding for 22–23 RSCA Support Grant Proposals
Notification of Action to Renew Charter of the Institute for STEM Education
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Reseating the Faculty Author Rights Task Force 9/1/20 9/8/20 N/A
Proposal for the recharter of the Smith Center for Private Enterprise referred back to CR 9/15/20
Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) Policy 10/13/20 11/3/20 11/6/20
Retention of Faculty Author Rights to Deposit and Disseminate their Scholarly Articles: An Open Access Policy 10/27/20 tabled on 12/1; approved 4/13/21 5/19/21
Proposal for the recharter of the CRECE Center 10/27/20 11/17/20
Formation of a Faculty Research Strategic Plan special subcommittee 11/10/20 N/A N/A
Restoration of Funding for the Center for Student Research and Faculty Support Grants Memo N/A 12/1/20 as info N/A
Compliance with Federal Regulations regarding Financial Conflict of Interest for Investigators; Debarment and Suspension (typo coprrection) N/A 12/1/20 as info N/A
Proposed external member on Faculty Research Strategic Plan special subcommittee 2/2/21 N/A N/A
Recommendations on the Search for a New Campus Research Officer 3/16/21 N/A N/A
IRB New Member Nominees 2020-2021 3/16/21 N/A N/A
Charter proposal for new university center—Center on Climate Change, Health, and Sustainable Futures 4/6/21 4/13/21 N/A
Committee on Research (CR) Policies and Procedures 4/20/21 N/A N/A
Animal Care and Use Policy 4/20/21 5/4/21 5/25/21
Policy and Assurance of Compliance with Federal Regulations on Protection of Human Subjects 4/20/21 5/4/21 5/25/21
Notification of Action to Renew Charter of Smith Center for Private Enterprise 4/20/21 5/4/21 N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Reseating the Faculty Author Rights Task Force 10/1/19 N/A N/A
Nominees to Fill Vacancies on the Institutional Review Board 11/5/19 N/A N/A
Compliance with Federal Regulations regarding Financial Conflict of Interest for Investigators; Debarment and Suspension 2/18/20 3/17/20 3/19/20
Updates to the Committee on Research Policies and Procedures for Committee Operation 3/24/20 N/A N/A
Proposal for the recharter of the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) 11/19/19 2/11/20 2/20/20
Retention of Faculty Author Rights to Deposit and Disseminate their Scholarly Articles: An Open Access Policy 3/10/20 4/14/20
Charter proposal for the Center for Economic Education (CEE) N/A 5/5/20 5/12/20
Student Research Strategic Plan 4/21/20 5/5/20 5/12/20
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Summary of College responses regarding Faculty Workload 9/4/18 as info 9/18/18 as info N/A
Institutional Review Board Annual Report included in 9/18/18 as info N/A
Formation of a Faculty Author Rights Task Force 10/2/18 N/A N/A
Nominees to Fill Vacancies on the Institutional Review Board 10/2/18 N/A N/A
Policies and Procedures for Committee Operation 10/16/18 N/A N/A
Formation of a Faculty Author Rights Policy - Info to FAC N/A N/A N/A
Pilot Research Program for Probationary Faculty 2/5/19 as info 2/12/19 as info N/A
Proposal for the creation of The Green Biome Institute (GBI) 4/30/19 5/7/19 6/12/19
Proposal for the re-charter of the China America Business and Education Center (CABEC) 4/30/19 5/7/19 6/12/19
Proposal for the creation of the Center of Professional Excellence in Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism 4/30/19 5/7/19 6/12/19
Proposal for the re-charter of the Center for Student Research (CSR) 4/30/19 5/7/19 6/12/19
Proposal for the re-charter of the CBE Financial Literacy Center 4/30/19 5/7/19 6/12/19
Proposal for the re-charter of the Center for Sport and Social Justice (CSSJ) 4/30/19 5/7/19 6/12/19
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Institutional Review Board Annual Report 10/17/17 as info 10/24/17 as info N/A
Policies and Procedures for CR 11/21/17 N/A N/A
Principal Investigator Policy 2/13/18 as info 2/20/18 as info N/A
Nominees to Fill Vacancies on the Institutional Review Board 4/24/18 N/A N/A
Galindo Creek Field Station Proposal 5/1/18 5/15/18 N/A
Summary of College responses regarding Faculty Workload not accepted on 5/25/18 via email N/A N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Institute for STEM Education Charter Renewal Proposal 5/9/17 5/16/17 9/27/17
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Nominees to fill vacancies on the Institutional Review Board 1/5/16 N/A N/A
Animal Care and Use Policy Amendment 2/16/16 5/3/16 5/27/16
Response to referral to review the appointment procedures for membership on the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Appointment procedures for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) are also discussed 3/29/16 as info N/A N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Nominees to fill vacancies on the Institutional Review Board 9/30/14 N/A N/A
Formation of a special Grant Review Subcommittee 1/20/15 N/A N/A
Suggested Edits to Committee on Research Policies and Procedures 1/20/15 N/A N/A
Nominees to fill vacancies on the Institutional Review Board 1/6/15 N/A N/A
Response to 13-14 BAS 4 Charge to update 13-14 CR 1 Revised 5/26/15 6/2/15 N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Resolution Endorsing the Recommendations of the 2011 Research Strategic Planning Task Force 3/4/14 4/8/14 as an information item N/A
Proposal for the Financial Literacy Center 1/21/14 2/4/14 as an information item N/A
Proposal for the Center for Economic Education 11/26/13 12/3/13 as an information item 1/27/14
Proposal for the renewal of China America Business and Education Center 2/11/14 2/25/14 as an information item N/A
Institutional Revere Board Annual Report 9/30/14 10/7/14 as information item N/A
Document Number Subject Excom Approved Senate Approved President Approved
Institutional Review Board Membership 11/20/12 Not Applicable Not Applicable
Proposal for a Center for Research and Collaborative Engagement (CRECE) 1/22/13 2/12/13 Not Applicable
Revised Amendment to ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Bylaws regarding CR procedure and the Centers and Institutes Policies and Procedures document 3/5/13 5/7/13 Not approved; quorum not met
Proposed Faculty Awards 4/2/13 5/7/13 5/29/13
Proposal for the Center for Community Engagement 3/5/13 3/12/13 Not Applicable
Proposal for the Center for Science and Education and Research 4/16/13 4/23/13 Not Applicable
Proposal for the Center for Student Research 4/16/13 4/23/13 Not Applicable

  • 11-12 CR 1 - Policies for Committee Operations (withdrawn)
  • - Centers and Institutes Policies and Procedures
  • - Approval of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
  • - Institutional Review Board Nominees
  • - Chair and Secretary appointments for 2012-2013





  • Faculty Support Grant policy (did not pass)

