Senate Glossary

Defined terms and abbreviations commonly used by the Acadmic Senate

Academic Senate: The Academic Senate allows the faculty to practice shared governance; faculty members vote on issues and forward their decisions to the ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ President  

Annual Report: Annual reports are to be turned in by each program in the years that they are not required to turn in Five Year Reviews. These Annual Reports should track the progress towards achieving the goals of the program’s last Five Year Review. 

Constitution and Bylaws: The Constitution expresses the principles of policy and procedure through which the University Faculty is consulted and makes official recommendations concerning the affairs of the University. It establishes the organization of the University Faculty through which effective recommendations may be made about the operation of the University and the welfare of the faculty members. This Constitution is based upon the policies contained in the "STATEMENT ON GOVERNANCE OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES" approved by the faculty government and adopted as basic policy of the University by the President of the College in May of 1967.

Ex officio: In the case of ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, ex officio means a member serving on a committee by virtue or because of an office

Five Year Review: Five-Year Reviews, also called Academic Program Reviews, are reports that outline accountability measures and quality improvement provisions for their individual programs; as the name suggests, the reports are to be submitted every five years.

Outstanding Professor Award: Selected annually by , the George and Miriam Phillips Outstanding Professor Award honors a faculty member for teaching, research and service to the University. George and Miriam Phillips were civic leaders in Hayward who helped bring the State College to their city. After they passed away, their son Jim endowed the Award in their memory and regularly attends the presentations.

Rubric: Mention of a rubric is usually referring to the rubric used by CAPR liaisons to score Annual Reports 

Self -study: A self-study is a component of a Five-year Review. It includes a summary of the previous review and plan, course data, and statistics regarding curriculum, student learning, students and faculty. 

Senate Chair: The Chair of the Academic Senate shall preside at its meetings. When the Chair is absent, or when he/she relinquishes the Chair in order to participate in discussion, the Vice Chair shall preside.

Standing Committee: A standing committee is a permanent committee of the ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ that meets regularly

Standing Rules of the Academic Senate: The Academic Senate shall adopt standing rules; and these shall include provisions for conducting the business of the Senate throughout the University year

Summary of Actions: A document listing the actions taken by the Academic Senate from its monthly meetings 





AA Academic Affairs The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is the academic nerve-center of ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, East Bay.  Reporting to Provost James L. J. Houpis are the four colleges, the Concord Campus, Continuing and International Education, the Libraries, Research and Sponsored Programs, the Academic Senate, Academic Programs and Graduate Studies, General Education and Faculty and Student Support Services.
AALO Affirmative Action Liaison Officer The AALO position has been eliminated, and has since been replaced by the Diversity and Equity Liason Officer (DELO)
ACIP Academic Council on International Programs The Academic Council on International Programs (ACIP) was created to promote CSU campus participation in the development of policy concerning international programs and to ensure regular communication between campuses. It is made up of one faculty representative from each of the 23 campuses. Appointed by each campus in a procedure established by the local academic senate, ACIP members serve a three year term.
ASI Associated Students Incorporated Associated Students Incorporated prioritizes students’ needs, and authentically advocates for them through lobbying and non-violent demonstrations at the federal, state, system, and campus level while ensuring students opinions are objectively heard and thoroughly considered in every decision affecting them. Associated Students Incorporated also provides significant services, funding, and intellectually diverse programs and facilities that improve the holistic educational experience enabling students successful.
AY Academic Year
The period of the year during which students attend ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, from September to June.
BC By the Chair
A document written by the Academic Senate Chair. 
BEC By the Executive Committee
A document written by the Executive Committee. 
CAPR Committee on Academic Planning And Review  The primary duty of CAPR is to evaluate existing academic programs and to recommend the action of approval, modification or discontinuance to the Academic Senate
CBA Collective Bargaining Agreement  A contract between the CSU and individual unions 
CBE College of Business and Economics The College of Business and Economics, home to 4 departments and the MBA program.
CC Concord Campus  The Concord Campus of ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ (formerly "Contra Costa Campus").
CCAC Concord Campus Advisory Committee The CCAC shall have primary responsibility for advising the Senate on policy issues related to Cal State Hayward’s Concord Campus.  Recommendations from the CCAC on matters pertaining to the affairs of students, curriculum and instruction, research, faculty affairs, technology, and/or resources will be subject to review and comment by other committees of the faculty as determined by the Executive Committee.
CEAS College of Education and Allied Studies  The College of Education and Allied Studies, home to 5 departments and the teaching credential program.


California Faculty Association The  is the union representing faculty members at the CSU.
CIC Committee on Instruction and Curriculum The Committee on Instruction and Curriculum is the committee of the Academic Senate that recommends curriculum, grading and academic probation policies, degree programs, general education standards and courses. The Senate has final approval rights for all committee recommendations. Each college also has a CIC. The college committees approve new courses, changes to courses, and program changes.


College of Letters and Social Sciences The College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences (used to be ALSS), home to 18 departments and the largest of the 4 colleges at ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ
COBRA  Committee on Budget and Resource Allocation The Committee on Budget and Resource Allocation is the committee of the Academic Senate that recommends budget policies to the Senate. They advise administration of faculty budget concerns and are in turn advised by administration of University budgetary matters.
CR  Committee on Research The Committee on Research is the committee of the Academic Senate that recommends research policies (including Institutional Review) to the Senate. They are primarily responsible for internal grants (such as new faculty research awards) and human subjects issues.
CS Committee on Sustainability The Committee on Sustainability is the committee of the Academic Senate that makes policy recommendations regarding means to achieve the University's sustainability commitments and goals.
CSCI (COS) College of Science The College of Science (used to be SOS- School of Science), home to 9 departments.
CSUEU  ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Employee Union This union represents all CSU employees who choose to join. 

Diversity & Equity Liaison Officer

The DELO’s duties are to maintain an appropriate liaison with the committees to encourage a search in the broadest spectrum possible; consult with other administrators who have assigned responsibilities in Affirmative Action, and as appropriate, with faculty standing committees about policies, activities, and issues affecting Faculty Diversity & Equity at the University
ExCom Executive Committee The Executive Committee is the committee of the Academic Senate that sets the Senate agenda and sends documents to the appropriate committees. Members are elected by the Senate during its organizational meeting.
FAC Faculty Affairs Committee The Faculty Affairs Committee is the committee of the Academic Senate that handles teaching awards, the academic calendar, and tenure and promotion policies and guidelines. With such important responsibilities, committee membership is limited to tenured professors (including a librarian) and an administrative appointee.


Faculty Diversity and Equity Committee The FDEC shall have primary responsibility for advising the Senate on policy and procedural issues related to ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, East Bay’s faculty diversity.
FERP Faculty Early Retirement Program The Faculty Early Retirement Program allowed faculty members meeting certain criteria to teach half time (or less) for a short duration (about 5 years) of time after retirement.
FTEF Full-time equivalent faculty This term is usually used when referencing the sum of total full-time equivalent faculty on a campus or throughout the CSU system
GE General Education General Education is the set of specific area requirements for all baccalaureate students (regardless of major). See the GE section of frequently asked questions
GRE Graduate Record Exam A test for taken by prospective graduate and school applicants 
ILO Institutional Learning Outcomes   The ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ East Bay Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) express a shared, campus-wide articulation of expectations for all degree recipients. 
MOU Memorandum(a) of Understanding  An MOU is a document prepared by the Provost; it identifies the agreed upon CAPR recommendations to be implemented by a program after a Five-Year Review and identifies the resources needed to support the recommendations.
ORSP Office of Research and Sponsored Programs  ORSP maintains lists of organizations that provide money for University-related projects and endeavors, such as federal and state agencies that support academic research (often leading to publication). According to their web page: "The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs facilitates the submission of grant and contract proposals to external sponsors. The office reviews all proposals before they are sent to sponsors, then presents them to the Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs for official University approval. In reviewing proposals, we balance three different interests: the needs of the faculty member(s) who will lead the project, compliance with the University's policies and procedures, and adherence to the sponsoring agency’s guidelines and regulations."
PEMSA Planning and Enrollment Management and Student Affairs This department covers student enrollment, graduation, recruitment, etc.
RTP Retention, Tenure and Promotion  Promotion, tenure and retention (and the policies that guide the process). The FAC is responsible for the faculty debates and deliberations over these issues.
SSP Student Services Professional ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ employees who provide support and services to students 
SLO Student Learning Outcome   Knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of collegiate experiences.
UCL University Committee on Layoffs The ad-hoc University Committee on Layoffs guided by the advice of appropriate faculty government bodies, and in consultation with the President, the Provost, and the College Deans, will shape specific layoff recommendations in any given year.
WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is recognized as one of six regional associations that accredit public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the United States.
WTU Weighted Teaching Unit Weighted Teaching Units (also call assigned time) represent the approximate amount of time that would normally be expected for a professor’s teaching assignment; if a professor holds certain offices of the Academic Senate, they may be awarded WTUs to compensate for their time