Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Studying abroad is an opportunity for you to learn about a country/region/culture in depth, take courses that may not offered at ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ, learn (or improve) language skills, and gain a new perspective on your place in the world.  Study abroad participants also note that by living in an unfamiliar environment they learned more about themselves in the process.

Did you know that less than 6% of U.S. undergraduate students study abroad?  Your study abroad experience will help your resume stand out from other students.  

As you begin your research, you'll want to start identifying your own goals for study abroad.  Are you interested in a particular region of the world?  Do you want to focus on completing coursework in your major, or perhaps add a minor?  Acquire or improve your skills in another language?

Take a look at Where Can I Study? for an overview of our programs, and then sign up for an Information Session or  with the Study Abroad Advisor!

Yes! Students are considered still enrolled at ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ and receive resident credit. Speak with your academic advisor during the application process to see how your credits will apply towards your degree- as elective, GE, major, or minor credits. Most majors can be accommodated. Some students elect to declare a minor or double major if they are not able to apply study abroad credits towards their first major.
You will be paying fees comparable to ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ fees, plus housing, meals transportation, personal expenses. Living costs vary from country to country.  When meeting with the Study Abroad Advisor, ask for suggestions on selecting a budget-friendly program!  It's also a good idea to start reviewing the study abroad scholarships and make time to apply for those as well!
The V.A. has specific criteria for approving benefits to for participation in Study Abroad and Domestic Exchange (i.e. National Student Exchange) programs.  The policies can change and processing can take time.  Please plan early and reach out to the Veterans Benefits Coordinator to discuss your interest in study abroad or National Student Exchange.
Generally yes! (Most ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ students are using financial aid while participating in our study abroad/exchange programs).  Take a look at our financing and scholarships website and be sure to check in with our  financial aid office to discuss your plans to study abroad.  Be sure to make time to apply for scholarships as well!
Yes! There a number of study abroad scholarships available. See the Finances section on this website.

An academic year offers the opportunity for the fullest possible adaptation and integration. You will invest so much time and effort the first semester into learning about your surroundings and the culture, why leave before you can reap the benefits in the second semester? 

While many programs allow you to apply for one semester (rather than an academic year) - we suggest applying for the academic year if you're on the fence.  (In many cases it's more complicated, or not even possible, to extend from a semester than a year, than to shorten your  program from an academic year to a semester after you get overseas.)

If you aren't able to be away for a semester or academic year, summer programs might be your best option.
For the most part, ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ study abroad programs are geared towards undergraduate students. However, it may be possible for graduate students to participate in our other study abroad programs. Graduate students should speak with their academic department to see if and how many study abroad courses would apply to their Master's program, then schedule an appointment Exchange Programs Advisor.

A student attending a  may supplement their ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ coursework with a study abroad experience through the following approved ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ study abroad programs:

  •  through ISEP Study Abroad
  •  (Host Pay) locations
  • Summer Programs offered by our ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ Exchange partners (in which students pay the host institution)
  • Students participating in these programs pay program fees/tuition to the host campus or study abroad program, not to ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ
  • The student is responsible for securing approval for courses taken through study abroad/exchange in advance.
  • Students are responsible for consulting with the Financial Aid office to discuss study abroad plans and the impact on financial aid eligibility.
Most of the programs offered through ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ do NOT actually have language pre-requisites. While locations such as the UK and Australia are popular study abroad destinations for U.S. students due to the shared language, there are many institutions that teach at least a portion of their coursework in English. 
The program websites (CSU International Programs, ISEP, National Student Exchange) all have ways to filter by major/field of study.  Our office can also recommend a few programs for you to review as you begin your research.  However, if you have a destination in mind that doesn't offer courses in your major, you could also explore adding a minor (perhaps a language, or Global Studies) or save some of your General Education requirements for your time abroad.