Fieldwork Policies


The placement coordinator arranges each of the traditional student teaching placements in accordance with state and university requirements. Thus, candidates are not permitted to arrange their own placements. We do not place candidates in a private school setting.

Placements are contingent on partnerships with districts, and our placement coordinators make every effort to secure a site prior to the fall semester. If a placement coordinator is not able to secure a placement by the University add/drop deadline, a candidate will be given the option to drop courses for a full tuition refund and return the following year. 


Teacher Candidates are responsible for regular attendance and punctuality in fieldwork placements and all ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ classes. Candidates may not miss University classes to attend public school classes, activities, or substitute teaching. Promptness and excellent attendance are considered the candidate’s professional responsibility. Candidates may be removed from the program for multiple tardies and absences. All absences from fieldwork or student teaching (even just one class period) require that the candidate notify the Cooperating Teacher by email and copy the Program Coordinator in advance or as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in program removal. 

Academic Attire

When on school sites and at the district office, Teacher Candidates should dress appropriately to the culture of the school site. 

Child Abuse Reporting

Teacher candidates are mandated reporters of child abuse. Child Abuse Reporting Requirements are excerpted from the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (Section 11166). 

Code of Ethics

Candidates are expected to be knowledgeable about and demonstrate the professional standards for their field of teaching, as well as University standards outlined in the ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ University Catalog and Program Handbook. Candidates are expected to adhere to the National Education Association’s  

Candidate Dispositions

ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ candidates demonstrate the dispositions of a professional educator throughout the credential program. These dispositions include personal qualities that are important to the teaching profession, qualities important for collaboration, commitment to professional growth, diversity and social justice, and ethical practices. Candidates can find . Candidates will agree to the expectation of displaying and maintaining professional dispositions during the Credential Program Orientation held in May.


It is expected that candidates will check their ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ email regularly, several times a week. Candidates are expected to use their ÂÌñ»»ÆÞ email for all program-related and school district-related communications.

Lesson Plans

Candidates should not be teaching without a formal, written lesson plan.  Plans may be initiated by the CT or the candidate AND must include at minimum: learning objectives, standards, assessments, sequence of activities, accommodations, and academic language goals. For observations, lesson plans should be available to the CT and/or University Supervisor 24-48 hours before the lesson being taught. See a sample . See the for more guidance on fieldwork expectations. 

Substitute Teaching Policy

Candidates may serve as substitute teachers under the following conditions:

  • Candidates may serve as substitutes for their Cooperating Teacher. 
  • Candidates may serve as substitutes for other teachers if the assignment does not conflict with their regularly scheduled fieldwork. 
  • Candidates must be paid for their work as substitute teachers. If candidates are not paid they should contact the Program Coordinator immediately.
  • Substitute assignments over five contiguous days must be approved by the Program Coordinator.


Unsatisfactory Field Experience and Candidate Improvement Procedures 

Should the University Supervisor and/or cooperating teacher determine that the candidate's performance may not warrant credit, early in the process, the University Supervisor will:

  • Discuss the situation with the candidate and inform the candidate of the possibility that they may not earn credit for the placement and the fieldwork course.
  • The supervisor will write an Improvement Plan that specifies the TPEs in which the candidate is not making satisfactory progress and/or dispositions not aligned with those of a professional educator. The supervisor will email a copy to the candidate and copy the Department Chair, Credentials, and the appropriate Program Coordinator.
  • Conduct a three-party conference with the candidate, the cooperating teacher (traditional student teacher), and the University Supervisor. If the candidate is under contract, the three-way conference may include the site administrator/designee. If appropriate, the Program Coordinator and/or site administrator may also participate in this conference.

During the conference, the University Supervisor and cooperating teacher/site administrator should:

  • Review Improvement Plan 
  • Describe, as specifically as possible, the changes that the candidate must make to earn credit;
  • Provide a timeline for improvement;
  • Clarify what the University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher/ site administrator will do to help the candidate succeed and describe other resources that the candidate may need to draw upon;
  • Answer any questions posed by the candidate.

After the conference, the University Supervisor will:

  • Share a copy of the Improvement Plan with the candidate and Program Coordinator.
  • If a candidate refuses the Improvement Plan they may be subject to declassification from the program.
  • A candidate may appeal an Improvement Plan by submitting a written appeal to the Department Chair within 5 working days of receiving such a plan. The appeal will only be accepted in the form of a PDF attached to an email.

The University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher or site partner should continue to observe the candidate regularly and document the candidate's performance. The site administrator may also be asked to provide additional observation/documentation.

The Program Coordinator, after consultation with the University Supervisor, should select from the following options:

  • Counsel the candidate to repeat the field experience;
  • Counsel the candidate to investigate other career choices and formally withdraw from the credential program;
  • Seek to declassify the candidate from the program/university.

Should the University Supervisor and/or Cooperating Teacher determine that the candidate's performance may not warrant credit the University Supervisor, early in the process, will inform the candidate of the possibility that a grade of No Credit may be earned, discuss the situation with the Program Coordinator, and write an Improvement Plan that specifies the areas in which the candidate is making unsatisfactory progress. If a candidate refuses to sign an Improvement Plan they may be subject to declassification from the program. For UNIVERSITY POLICIES on declassification, click here

A student may be declassified for cause at any time by the Chair of the department with the concurrence of the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Studies.