Post Award Toolkit


Congratulations on your award!  As a grant/contract investigator, we wanted to provide you this toolkit so you have the resources at your fingertips for how to spend your award


ORSP Website, Links to Resources, and Award Chartfield: 

  • Contact your ORSP Post Award Specialist for your award chartfield (Fund # - Dept # - Project #)

Processes and Procedures:

Faculty Assigned Time
For faculty who will have any units re-assigned (eg. from teaching to research), please complete the ;  confirm your time with your department and college;  ORSP will follow up with a faculty assigned time form routed through AdobeSign that you, your chair and dean will need to sign.  The College and Academic Affairs will confirm this time during the respective semester.  

Faculty Additional Compensation AY/Summer
For full-time faculty who will request additional employment, please complete the  ORSP will follow up with a 2403 Additional Employment request that is routed to the PI, the Payee, the Payee's Dean/Supervisor, and Academic Affairs.   The information will be forwarded to Payroll and the payment will be processed.

For faculty who have received approval to take sabbatical -- once their sabbatical application is submitted and approved, those who plan to work on and receive pay from grants must secure permission from the University to receive pay during their sabbatical, prior to the start of work:
1. The faculty member should submit their request to receive pay for additional employment during sabbatical (which should be related to the purpose of the sabbatical) to their chair and dean via email.   This request should include all relevant information and detail the circumstances regarding the request (eg. project name, external funding source, location, etc.). 
2. The faculty member should then forward the dean's email confirmation to to the President’s designee, Silvina Ituarte, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs (, requesting her permission to receive payment.   Please also copy the chair, dean, and
3. Once permission to receive pay is granted, the faculty member must submit the payment request to ORSP by completing the  (Online Google Form).
4. ORSP will follow up with the formal request of the payment via the OAA-Faculty Additional Employment Request (2403) AdobeSign workflow, which is routed to the grant PI, the payee, their dean, and Academic Affairs.

Hiring Personnel

  • For staff hires, submit a position description to your college hiring manager and work with your HR Specialist assigned to your college

  • contact for student hires; provide your fund #, the students names, emails, netids, student number on Bay Card, rate of pay and start/end dates.

  • For both staff and student hires, submit the ORSP FTE Workflow (Grants) form via AdobeSign

  • Note that all undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers receiving financial support (including salaries and wages, tuition, and stipend) from NSF, NIH, and USDA-NIFA are required to receive formal instruction in ethical considerations and decision making in the Responsible Conduct of Research that is appropriate for their disciplines. Contact to set up training and refer to the policy on

Purchasing Goods and Services

Compliance Issues:

  • Time and Effort & Cost Share Certification (Due: July and Jan)
  • Subrecipient Policy/Procedures:(Submit Purchase Request along with documentation – subcontractor budget, scope of work, subcontractor docs)

Amendments and Grant Close-out Processes: