Campus update – MPP position eliminations

Dear Cal State East Bay community,

On Thursday, July 11, I shared an email update on our current budget situation and the need to move expeditiously to reduce costs and make progress on closing our significant structural deficit. In addition, we have created this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for even greater context.

Today, we took action to eliminate 11 MPP positions from our operating budget. This included: permanently eliminating MPP positions vacated by resignations, moving some MPP positions to other funding sources (grants and self-support), and non-retaining some existing MPP employees.

Through this action, we anticipate a reduction of approximately $1.7 million in salary and benefits from our operating budget in FY2024-25 and beyond. We will reassign essential duties to other MPPs to ensure campus operations continue.

While necessary, I know this action is extremely painful, especially because it means we will be saying goodbye to several loyal employees. Please be assured we have done so in the most professional and compassionate manner possible while also following all HR laws, policies, and procedures.

I share this news today in alignment with our ongoing spirit of transparency. I will continue to keep you informed as we work toward greater financial stability throughout the semester.

Sincerely yours,

Cathy Sandeen

July 18, 2024